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Ka Boom Bombs Away Pass

LMAO! Yeah, vern, I reckon' you're right!!! I'm with ya' though, I've been ready to do the pee-pee dance for days!!!!
LMAO, holy cow snail mail is right I could've drove to Oregon and back out East by the time that arrived. Seems to me like if they don't get it there within the time the say, i.e. 2 days, if you take your receipt to the P.O. they'll refund your money. At least that's what my Postmaster says. Waiting (im)patiently,
:^) Ryan
Boy that would be great. I will check on this as the postage was a bit more than you might expect.I hope the plane doesn't have to circle much longer
Vern, et.al. - As of Saturday morning @ 5:30 AM CST the bomb has not arrived...surely it will land today...BigWorm, haven't received your email either...Weirdness abounds...JerryG
Big Worm,Nevermind. I discovered CP message. I had never used that before and was looking for your email in my "regular" emailbox.Now I know!JerryG
Jerry, glad you got it. Yeah, the messenger service caught me by suprise the first time too. But a nice tool because your wife doesn't know what you're up to!!!! LMAO
Vern, yeah they should refund your &#36&#36&#36, I've had them do it for me on several occasions. My postmaster (small town) lets me in on all this stuff thateverybody is afraid to ask about or doesn't think about it. Good luck!
Sure hope that box arrives soon!!!!Have a good Saturday!Ryan
Looks like we hit a patch of foul weather boys ( Dam I hate makin excuses for the @#@%@*@# postal service)
Well nothing we can do but wait for the weather to break and try to make our bombing run on monday.
I wonder what the freakin' problem is???? When I try to run a trck on USPS.com it comes up no record of shipment???!!! Am I doing something wrong or is their site not like UPS.com where it shows pickup and transit manifests?? Clue me in please!
Their website is like their service. Somtimes it takes them a long while to update the site. I've received packages that according to their website hasn't been mailed yet. Go figger.
I won't even dignify that remark with a responseOr is it too late now?Dave :confused:
That box has landed. That is one slow PM ride there. Vern, you might get this back by the Holidays, the way the mail system is working.
Well guess what Boys, the Bomb has landed. Ka-Boom, about dang time. Yeah, the confirmation number did not work for me either. But anyway it is in my hot little hands.I got home this afternoon thinking, "I sure hope the pass has arrived today". Only to drive up and no package. Yup, NO package. I said, well, you don't want to know what I said, so I go to the mailbox and a little slip says I missed the mailman wanting me to sign for delivery. I said, well, you know what I said. So I look at my watch and say, "Maybe I can get there before they close." They close at 4:30, it was 4:32. I went anyway, slid the slip under the rollup window and hear a voice. "We already put all that away." I said," Please it's perishable." They said, "No it's not". I said, "Well, I know it is." "Well come around to the side door, lemme see that ticket." So I went to the side door and the lady said, " I was goin ta give it to you but I had to give you hard time about it." "Yeah, I know, Thank You." I love my little town.So, after a journey the pass has arrived. Whew. I saw the pony passed out on his side with his tongue hanging out out back of the P.O.I haven't opened the top yet. Tonight I will open, put, take, and post. Tommorrow I will put the pass back on the pony, slap his butt and say, "Go Speed Racer." Then I will post confirm.number.Thanks Vern! Look out Ryan.JerryG(Edited by JerryG at 7:55 pm on July 16, 2001)
Well Jerry ol boy ,ya told me once that you had been gifted before an ya wondered if that was the same as being boomed, well I will answer that question for you now......No.... Heh..Heh..Heh
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! I thought this one was gonna' arrive at Christmas the way things were going!!!! Vern - you're killing me - I have several translations for that remark!
Jerry - DUDE, you're killing us open her up and let's hear the details!!!
I got some horse feed and a water trough sitting next to the mailbox - hope it helps speed things up!!!(Im)Patiently awaiting your next post,Ryan
You guys are HILARIOUS! :)Yosimite Sam, "Whoa, horse...whoa, I said...whoa, horse...please, whoa....pretty please!"....."wham!" Lump rising on unconscious horse's head. ROFLMAO  :biggrin:Maybe all of you should pitch in and buy that horse some rollerskates! ;)
Holy **** vern! You didn't kill him did ya??? How we gonna git da box to pass itsef??? :biggrin: Oh, I know I'll go fetch it fo us!!
After picking my teeth up off the floor...here are my modest puts and takes...Takes:
Maria Mancini
La Luna
Puros IndiosPuts:
Don Carlos Robusto
Havana Classico Churchhill
Cupido Torpito
Fuente Exquisito Maduro
CAO Petite Maduro
Oliva Grand Cameroon RobustoThe pony is in the stall resting for the ride to Kentucky tommorrow. I'll put a burr under the saddle...All packaging, credos, drymistats, ect. are in good shape.Whew....JerryG