Just Another Basic Cigar Pass

I'm glad everyone seems to think this is such a well organized pass.  I can't take the credit though... I got all the ideas from the Share The Wealth box pass -- I think it started in the Alt.Smokers.Cigars newsgroup.  That was truly one to remember!I can't believe how fast this is moving.  I'll have to throw another one together to start when this one gets back to me.  Anyone interested?Dave :cool:
(Edited by DaveWF at 12:44 pm on April 19, 2001)
Box dropped off at P.O. this morning.Dave, count me in for another pass.
Pass landed in the beautiful Garden State on Saturday and will be back on the road to Bob on Monday conf# 0300 6000 0000 3625 0058. Takes:
Monica and the Pres. (nice keepsakes)
Wall St Toro
Mayorga TorpPuts:
Padron Churchill M
Partagas Perfecto
JR Ult Principale X
Maria Mancini Magic Mountain
Players Club RobustoBTW nice set-up Dave. Thanks for letting me play.
I received the box today from Yankee.
The contents were in good shape. My takes:
JR Ult. Principale X
Partagas S Perfecto
Maria Mancini MMMy puts:
Habanero Primero 365 Robusto
Bahia Trinidad Robusto (old blend)
LGC Maduro Toro
Fuente 8-5-8
La Diva Robusto
La Luna African Fuerte Perfecto #5I mailed the box today to Gil. USPS
Confirmation # 0300 6000 0000 3625 0065.Dave, this was a good, smooth pass.
Thanks for letting me play. Bob
Just received this from GilV
Dave :cool:DaveBox arrived yesteday. Will send out tomorrow. Can't get into Cigarpass. I
will send my takes and puts out to you via e-mail.
Gil V.
Ok here it goesTakes:
Punch Double Corona (thanks Shadow)Puts:
La Unica Churchill No. 2 (tried one recently, good smoke)
Nat Sherman Double Corona
Partagas Serie "S" Perfecto (aged)
VSG Illusion (aged)
Romeo Y Julieta Exibicion #3 - ISOM
Pass goes out tomorrow morning will post No. LaterThanks for letting me play.
As promissed, box when out this morning with the mail. Confirmation number:0300 6000 0000 3625 0072But you already knew that :)
Excellent pass, I thought I had my act together.  This one beats my passes' organization by providing pre-addresses lables and confirmation numbers (I only do the later).Great job, looking forwrd to your next pass.:cool:
Thanks Gil.
I truly welcome all the praise I've been getting, but to hear that from you.... well, I really appeciate it!  I'm planning on starting another similar pass a week or two after this one comes home.  I really like the small roster - makes it easier to track.Heads up Tim, it's coming to you!Dave :cool:
No problem Tim,What were your takes & puts?I'm anxious to get this thing home - can you tell?Dave :cool:
Well let's see......Confirmation number is: 0300 6000 0000 3625 0089. Takes are La Diva, La Luna African Fuerte, LRE Robusto.
Puts are (Dang it, I don't remeber but you'll like them). Thank you for letting me play! Debra, Head's up. They're on their way!
if you decide to start another pass please include mecontact at mnrnr@yahoo.com thanks
Hey mnrnr, just keep your eyes open. Once this baby gets home, I'll be starting another similar one.I'm thinking two times around a small group (just 5 or 6 plus myself) - any other ideas?Dave :cool:
I am here. I got a bit held up. Box arrived Thursday or Wednesday? Anyway I have taken my takes and put my puts and documented, documented, documented.I don't think the box will hold up anymore but am not sure. I think I will do a new box. I am sending it out on Monday and it is on it's way back home. :-) Nice pass and very well done.Deb
Hey SR, would you mind posting the Conf#?  That way I can harass the USPS and not you when I get antsy.Thanks,
Dave :cool:
WOW.  Box arrived today - it was pretty banged up, but the tupperware inside was in good shape.  Quite a variety.  I noticed a number of the cigars that I started it with were still in there - don't worry, I won't include them in my next pass.  
I want to thank everyone for participating and look forward to the next pass where we can all get together again.Dave :cool: