Just Another Basic Cigar Pass


Official CP Entertainment
Jan 16, 2001
Hey there everyone.  Ready to get back to basics?
This pass is real simple.  Take out what you want, put in an equal or greater total value of cigars.  For example, if you take out an ISOM, either put another ISOM or multiple non-ISOM to compensate.  On the other hand, if you took out 2-3 cheap-o's, you could replace it with a solid mid-priced, or even a premium.
I'll leave it all up to you guys - sort of on the honor system (but then, aren't all passes on the honor system?)I'll post a starting inventory later.  I'll try and put in a good mix so everyone can enjoy something.
First NINE people in (for as total of 10) and I'll close it.
Ok, we've got seven people in, only two more and I'll try to get things rolling. Inventory's coming up later today.....Dave
Ok, that's going to do it.  Pass is closed to new entries.  I still need to get off my butt and put together an inventory - but I promise it will be a good one.  Anyone that hasn't EMAILED me their address (No PO boxes please) please do so now so I can piece together an order.Oh boy, oh boy!
Dave  :cool:
Alright everyone, here it is - the starting inventory... Hope I don't offend anyone.Don Diego Lonsdale
Playboy Robusto
National Brand Churchill
Astral (Torpedo?)
Wall Street Toro
Vueltabajo Corona
Honey Delights Solar
Cu-Avana Special Selection Churchill
Moran Churchill
Leyenda Panatela Larga
Vargas Senadores
La Hoja Celebracion Tubo
Cusano Cigars P1 (Punch Knockoff)
Fuego Del Rey Robusto Maduro
VSOP Vintage Reserve
JR Ultimate Private Collection
Lone Wolf
Partagas (Corona?)
Seal of the President of the United States
The Griffin’sI think I got a pretty good mix in there.  Questions, comments?  Let me know.Make sure you send me your addresses - I'll try to put together a passing order tomorrow (assuming all addresses are in).Dave  :cool:
Alright everyone, here is who I have addresses for - if you don't see your name, YOU'RE NOT IN THE PASS YET!
Get your addresses (no PO Boxes) out to me ASAP.Kstevenson
Robert L. Finney  (What's your user name?)
Kirk McKillip (What's your user name?)
Bill Orlando (What's your user name?)
Ok, I think I have everyone - here's my list...
Tim Hampton
TexCigarIf you think you should be on this list and are not, please email me. But please, no new participants.I should get all the paperwork done monday and we should have the pass off to it's first destination on tuesday.Woo Hoo, I'm so excited! :biggrin: Dave :cool:
Hey everyone...
Sorry about not posting earlier - my girlfriend had a little surprise vacation away from the house (and computer) that is culminating in going to the theatre tonight.
I'll get everything posted and started tomorrow (I promise!)Thanks for your patience!
Here's the official order...Macattak
Tim Hampton
DaveWFI'll have labels printed up later today and get the box pass in the mail this evening.Let's all try and keep this moving faster then I got it started, and most importantly - have fun!Dave
How could I every keep you out of a pass Gil?Send me your snailer, and you're in.I'll delay mailing it till tomorrow to get you included.Dave