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Just a few quick thoughts......


Yada, Yada, Yada.
Jun 22, 2004
This place becomes a second home for many of us and the friendships we make, are just as real as the personal friendships we have at home.

I'd hope that we all have close enough friends here, that would check in on us if we go missing for whatever reason. Exchange phone numbers with those you interact with most, just to be safe and check in on your buddies. I've been the recipient of this in the past and I'm glad I have those here that would do that for me.

Since Brian(Infinity) has been gone, it's made me really think about the friendships I've made here. It might sound corny or fruity, but when we lose someone we all admired, it hurts just as much as losing someone at home.
I actually have instructed my wife to notify CP that i have gone on to my reward and to notify everyone here. That should make some people happy. ;)
I actually have instructed my wife to notify CP that i have gone on to my reward and to notify everyone here. That should make some people happy. ;)

Done the same.. ;)
But will do this also, great idea.
Good stuff Brandon although it can backfire. Not more than 24 hours ago I recieved a text of an elves ass from a fine BOTL here. :whistling:

Edit to add: I also want to thank a different unnamed brother for the recent 2AM drunk dial.
Good post, Brandon. This is my smoking lounge, my local bar, and my barbershop (but I'm not sure I'd let any of you cut my hair :laugh: ). I hadn't really considered it that much, but not many have my phone number, etc.
Good stuff Brandon although it can backfire. Not more than 24 hours ago I recieved a text of an elves ass from a fine BOTL here. :whistling:

Edit to add: I also want to thank a different unnamed brother for the recent 2AM drunk dial.

I think I've received that stupid "Elf Mooning Wars" text about a bazillion times (bazillion = 15 times...clearly.) and I'm so sick of it! As far as the BOTLs on here, I am always checking up on/being checked up on by Napa_Smokes, Beyond the Band, 42, Seanholio, and Rod. I love this place.
Great idea, I have also instructed my wife to post here in case something happens to me. I actually got a nice call last week from a botl here.

P.s. my number is in my profile, just don't send any "Elf Mooning Wars" texts. :laugh:
I think I've received that stupid "Elf Mooning Wars" text about a bazillion times (bazillion = 15 times...clearly.) and I'm so sick of it! As far as the BOTLs on here, I am always checking up on/being checked up on by Napa_Smokes, Beyond the Band, 42, Seanholio, and Rod. I love this place.

yeah, I can feel the love...
I say this seriously that the lobby has come to a halt and gown men are standing around hugging each other in the last few threads.

CP is about cigars and passes but it is about much more isn't it. Many live their lives here and others drop by from time to time just to say hi. A real family we have here.
I think I've received that stupid "Elf Mooning Wars" text about a bazillion times (bazillion = 15 times...clearly.) and I'm so sick of it! As far as the BOTLs on here, I am always checking up on/being checked up on by Napa_Smokes, Beyond the Band, 42, Seanholio, and Rod. I love this place.

yeah, I can feel the love...

My bad brother, I forgot the one guy who I talk to the most and see the most of, SWISS! Oh, and Bsneed51 as well. I love you guys!!!
just messin' with ya Soulpuppy ... :p

And I do agree with Tiara-boy... a number of great friends have been made, both met in person and not. I've in the past PM'd or called when I hadn't heard from them, and have been on the receiving end of the question as well. I will continue to do so, and hope others will do the same.

Good point Brandon. I've tried to do this in the past with a few of my closer BOTLs. It's nice to get a PM outta nowhere now and again from someone just askin' how things are going and checking to make sure all is ok.
I had some guys pming me to check in on me this summer when I was gone for awhile, caught up in work and school. It really made me feel great, and I appreciated it more than words could say.
This place becomes a second home for many of us and the friendships we make, are just as real as the personal friendships we have at home.

I'd hope that we all have close enough friends here, that would check in on us if we go missing for whatever reason. Exchange phone numbers with those you interact with most, just to be safe and check in on your buddies. I've been the recipient of this in the past and I'm glad I have those here that would do that for me.

Since Brian(Infinity) has been gone, it's made me really think about the friendships I've made here. It might sound corny or fruity, but when we lose someone we all admired, it hurts just as much as losing someone at home.

I'll make the 3 am calls to your house to check on ya - PM me your number... :whistling:

Oh - and the only thing that is corny and fruity is your tiara.... :laugh:
It is great how this place is a Family (A little dysfunctional) but a Family non the less. From the first day I posted on here I felt welcomed and a part of the family! So for that Thanks guys I am glad to call you my brothers! rp

Group hug :sign:
I myself had a botl, Jhawk, check on me when I hadn't been around in a while. I think I'll ding him and thank him for thinking about me.

And my wife just shakes her head.
This place is different than any other. Most here will agree that CP is a family. Other forums are filled with Internet tough guys and people pretending. People acting like the people they wish they could be.

When I describe this place
To other people that have experience with other forums they look at me with shock and disbelief.

Tonight the chat / Infinity memorial herf epitomizes CP and makes me even more glad I stumbled on to here.

My addy and cell are in my profile and I too get calls and text messages checking on me from time to time.
I have not officialy made arrangements for my stash but I will very soon.
I think my wishes would be for someone here to give them all away to y'all.

Except my beloved Sumatras. I'm taking them with me. None of you fuggers are getting em!
Well maybe my last wish would be to have Souldog smoke one and do a review.
lol .... reminded me of the call I got last Christmas Eve wishing our family a Merry Christmas from Alaska! Damn bunch of drunk dialers :laugh:
