Well, it hit today around 5:30pm. No tracking info on usps.com this morning but its here. So, first things first. Gibu, Thanks man, that one hit me right in the face!!! Her goes the puts and takes. No one has helped me figure out how to get those neat colums down the left hand side so try to deal with it. TAKES:#39 MONTE#4 ISOM, #54 JOYA DE NICARAGUA, #56VSGTORP., #72 BAHIA MADDIE CHURCHHILL, #73 MONTICRISTO ROBUSTO, #74 LA LUNA MADDIE, #78 TRINIDAD ISOM, #83 PERDOMO CUBAN PAREJO, #86 PERDOMO LA TRADITION TUBOS and now the PUTS; #98 BOLIVAR PC ISOM, #99 RyJ ISOM, #100 AF SUN GROWN, #101 AF SHORT STORY, #102AF WORK OF ART, #103 CAO CRIOLLO, #104 MYSTERY MADURO, #105BUCANERO, #106 PERDOMO EL CAUTO, #107 PERDOMO2 CAMMIE, #108 TORANO GRAND NICA, #109 FITTIPALDI CAMMIE, #110 PERDOMO LA TRADITION CAB SERIES MADDIE, AND THE LAST STIK GOING INTO THIS PASS IS......................................... #111 OPUS X #4. Would like to say, THANKS DAVE!!! GREAT PASS!!!! So now its back to you Dave man. Will hit the post office first thing in the morning. Tracking # 0300 6000 0000 3625 0447