It's been awhile


Brought to you by Carl's Junior.
Jul 10, 2011
This year has been busy, normal ups and downs... Abnormal ups and downs. I'd planned on getting more active, but life has kept me off the board. Which I regret. I've always enjoyed hanging around CP.

I was hoping a bunch of things were going to come together and I could jump on CP one day and post a re-introduction celebrating all the good stuff.

But life hasn't worked that way. Lucky for me, it hasn't been bad.

I decided for brevity to delete and summarize what was turning into a post of epic size.

My career became a job, and I grew to be unhappy with it. I've been working to get certifications to move into a new career, which has been difficult and slow. While I've been doing this, a new position has opened up where I work that is perfectly suited for what I'm studying (and what I have wanted to do for years). Interviews went well, and they narrowed it down to two candidates(I'm one).
Two months into the interview process I'm still waiting and hoping. I'm also still studying and working as much as I can to get more experience where I'll need it most. I'm guessing I'll hear something within the next month but it's really played Hell with my nerves. If I don't get the promotion, nothing has really changed. I'm going to get those certs, and I'm gonna move on. So I keep grinding.

I also picked up a new hobby, my girlfriend and I started looking for a house. Sounds silly to call it a hobby, but since we're picky and not in a rush it really kind of is. Homes in Austin are ridiculous. $250k here is for an older un-renovated 2-3 bedroom in the locations we prefer. The same money can buy twice the house in Houston or Dallas.

And then there's this other thing.

I sit here smoking my first cigar in about week and half(an old favorite, a Panacea white 560) and drinking and old favorite(Lagunitas Imperial Stout) at 1:30 in the morning. I've gotta work tomorrow, plus we are leaving for vacation after work.
We fly into Denver tomorrow and stay through the 3rd (I'll get a little Herf action in with the CO crew on the 2nd) and then we'll make our way to Estes Park on the 4th and stay through the 8th before heading back to TX.
We have lots of stuff planned out, but there is one surprise. I'm going to ask Jennifer to marry me in Estes Park. We've talked about it and talked about it, I want to make it official. I love her, she has stuck with me through some very bad times, I want her to be my wife.

Still a damn long post. But it's a good post. Just life. Life is good.
Congratulations! Good luck with the new position and I'm sure she will say yes if she has stuck with you through bad times! I know what you mean about the houses, I live in NYC and it has been pretty darn hard for me to find a decent house to buy, I started looking farther out, like an hour away from the city and the prices are amazingly cheaper.
Good for you Joe!  I wish you the best (in all of your quests)
Bout damn time... Haha! Congrats Joe. Now I don't feel so bad about my slip up during my last visit to ATX. In my defense I was pretty faded before I even got to that bar.

Hope all continues to go well at work and future position.

Great news, Joe! Work could be worse, house hunting can be fun, vacation sounds great, and engagement even better. Congrats in advance, and enjoy every minute!
Congrats on all your good fortune, Joe.
Congrats brother. Good luck house hunting, I'd wish you luck with the proposal, but I'm sure you won't need any. Enjoy CO.
In the city of Denver 250 doesn't buy a 2-3 bedroom anymore. More like 400-500k. Outside you can find nicer housing for 250K. Congratulations my man. See ya Saturday.
Congrats Joe. Enjoy Colorado.Too bad I'll miss seeing you, I'll be in Texas for a couple of days while your out.
I briefly looked at the prices for a house in Zurich and quit almost as fast. Something comparable to what I have in Florida would run me over 1mil CHF and they don't take anything less than 20% down.So I'll be renting for quite sometime.
Congrats Joe and I wish you two well. You and Houston? will be missed this year at the QSH.
Safe travels bro,
Hope you get that promotion, it sounds like you deserve it!  Congrats on the pending engagement, it sounds like Jennifer is a great partner.
I hope things work out for you Joe!! And let us know what she says to your proposal!!!