PT, supposedly I gave one of the answers you liked and now I'm not sure even I understand what you are asking for. IMO, it was explained why he'd consider replacing them. You stated the reasons in your original post:
box lid on upside down
wrong girth
green smell/taste
From the information that we have, I might consider replacing them as well. However, you really have not given us much to go on, therefore, anything we say is speculation.
The box lid is upside down...could be a Q/A issue. However, through PM, I know the vendor. They inspect their cigars prior to shipping (unless you ask for a sealed box). Therefore, they could have just put the lid on upside down by mistake.
Wrong girth...this one has been explained away. Once again, knowing the vendor, this is most likely just a humidity issue or a transport issue. This would not necessarily lead me to be alarmed.
Green smell/taste...I originally asked what the box code was (either in forum or PM). This will tell a lot about the cigars. If this was a recent purchase, I'm betting these cigars were probably around March to May 05. Yes, they would smell and taste a bit green. I wouldn't even buy this box code unless I was looking to put them down for aging purposes.
Bands...this one has been explained away. It is a non-issue.
Truth be told...the proof is in the pudding. What does the cigar taste like? Does it taste like a Mag 46 or not? I think you said your friend said they don't taste like others he's had. Not at all? Just taste young? What? Once again, not enough information. As for speculation, if they taste nothing like a Mag 46, call the vendor and send them back for a full refund. If they just taste young, stick them in the back of the humi and forget about them.
Not sure of what else you want. I think allofus123 did the best job of explaining everything in the first place.
Just my 0.02.
However, knowing the vendor...I would not be concerned.
PTownshend said:
Actually, I was looking more for the reason WHY he'd consider replacing them and why this group of factors cause him to base his decision on doing so. Just saying a combination of red flags would cause a pucker factor only states vaguely that he thinks there's a problem, not in any way explaining why he thinks its a problem and what conclusions he's drawn from this belief.
In one example above, several people agreed that these cigars may be over humidified, young tobacco. Thats more along the lines of what I was hoping for in posting this situation up here.
wasch_24 said:
He already did PT...
"IMO, when you have a combination of red flags on a box of cuban cigars your pucker factor should rise. I personally would base my take on the situation by smoking one. If the cigar didn't fit the Mag profile I would ask the vendor to replace them."