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ISOM cigars. Just hype?

insight said:
The trick is to just not smoke Cubans younger than 08, solves your problem. Imo Cuban tobacco is not better, but there are more quality complex Cuban cigars than otherwise. I would likewise say there is more complex French and Spanish cuisine than Russian, but that doesn't mean there isn't good Russian food. Like Tom said, smoke what you like... who cares where it comes from? I don't like "dominican cigars" or "Cuban cigars" but I think there are some great Fuentes and the boli/qdo lines can'r be matched elsewhere
I'm trying to reconcile this against the fantastic Upmann half corona (that I finished in what seemed like 4 minutes) earlier today?
...more to the point of the original poster.  Where were the non-Cuban manufacturers from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, etc (and I'm not talking pre-embargos, etc.)?  I've smoked many good (and a few bad) Cuban cigars from these decades.  From my research, the non-Cuban manufacturers were, for the most part, in Cuba during those decades.  Why Cuba?  Why not the D.R., Nicaragua, etc?  I'd like to know.  I'm not suggesting a good cigar cannot come from a country outside of Cuba, but would like to understand why everyone claims Cuban background or roots.  Not every Napa cab vendor claims to have Bordeaux roots.
Cuba is a third world country.  Habanos S.A. can be compared to the C.I.A. as it relates to information sought about an organization.  Cuban cigars remain the forbidden fruit, and thus, the envy of all cigar smokers (for right or wrong).
There are cases that it is just overrated and frustrated that we shell out money and the cigar fell short to our standards but i have to say that this thing also falls into our unique taste and preferences. 
mickey2 said:
There are cases that it is just overrated and frustrated that we shell out money and the cigar fell short to our standards but i have to say that this thing also falls into our unique taste and preferences. 
Mickey2....What the hell does this say?
grateful1 said:
There are cases that it is just overrated and frustrated that we shell out money and the cigar fell short to our standards but i have to say that this thing also falls into our unique taste and preferences. 
Mickey2....What the hell does this say?
Spammer?....he/it made a number of non-sensible posts this morning.  I sent it/him a PM and ask for a proper introduction....there's been no posts since!
grateful1 said:
There are cases that it is just overrated and frustrated that we shell out money and the cigar fell short to our standards but i have to say that this thing also falls into our unique taste and preferences. 
Mickey2....What the hell does this say?
He said you have a great rack 
BobbyRitz said:
...more to the point of the original poster.  Where were the non-Cuban manufacturers from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, etc (and I'm not talking pre-embargos, etc.)?  I've smoked many good (and a few bad) Cuban cigars from these decades.  From my research, the non-Cuban manufacturers were, for the most part, in Cuba during those decades.  Why Cuba?  Why not the D.R., Nicaragua, etc?  I'd like to know.  I'm not suggesting a good cigar cannot come from a country outside of Cuba, but would like to understand why everyone claims Cuban background or roots.  Not every Napa cab vendor claims to have Bordeaux roots.
Cuba is a third world country.  Habanos S.A. can be compared to the C.I.A. as it relates to information sought about an organization.  Cuban cigars remain the forbidden fruit, and thus, the envy of all cigar smokers (for right or wrong).
I think we have a consensus on the allure of the forbidden! :P
A very good question about why most NC manufacturers claim(and seem to mostly have) Cuban origin. My guess is it was a big industry in Cuba before the revolution and those seeking freedom were many and talented.
I blame all your BOTL's for what I am about to say. About two months ago we got into a which is better, RASS or PSD4. I asked to buy one of each ( for my learning experience ) which lead to a buy hosted by TheChen and Wkoti and I got five RASS.

While that was in the works a giving brother took pity on me and just sent a RASS, PDS4 ( and ) a Partagas Short. Well, I don't have months or years to age these so they sat for a week and then were consumed one per day for comparison. To my pleasant surprise the Partagas Short won. IMHO it had a more robust taste probably because I favor a full smoke ( to each his own ). I personally enjoy a Padron Maduro, Fuente 858' la Flor Cab5 Maduro etc. and I was looking for a CC companion.

Well, at 70 you get enthrowaled with more simple things so I decided to bite the bullet and order a box of Partagas Shorts. For me, that was a big deal, but my education was not over. This brother is a firm believer in CC's and I get a note say the following is on the way:

1 Juan Lopez Selecion # 2
1 Cohiba Robusto
1 Bolivar Petit Corona
1 Por Larranaga Petit Corona
1 Montecristo # 4 Petit Corona
1 Upmann Half Corona

The only reason I am sharing this is because I have no knowledge of CC's, and just as there are a multitude of NIC and DC, all do not qualify for what we consider a decent smoke. That is why we bomb each other, do SS and our reviews so we learn from each other. I see lots of conversation about CC's, but many brands or vitolas never get mentioned, hence you wizards with the knowledge share it and we all learn from it. So this is a great learning experience for me.

I wish my taste buds were attuned to the likes of Wokti, Tomthirtysix, TheChenMan, Charlie etc. they are not, so my basics are basically like or dislike , nose tingle or not, satisfaction or not. The flavors escape me.

Thank you, all BOTL's for your continued input, .02 cents worth of your opinion and your guiding hands. CP truly is a great place.

Puggers ( woof woof ).
Pug...the Partagas Short is a fantastic CC.  Actually one of my favorite in the Partagas line up.  Traditionally it has been my goto CC winter smoke.  Partly due to it's diminutive size, but also for the flavor punch it provided in such a small stick.  This past winter I switched over the the H. Upmann Half Corona.  Also a fantastic cigar, which...for at least one winter season took my away from the Shorts.  You can't go wrong with either, but the Shorts pack more punch.  The Half Coronas are more refined and subtle.  Less peppery and more woodsy...if that means anything to you.  The Bolivar PC should be right up your alley as well given the profile of cigar you seem to prefer.  