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iPad mini - Whose buying it?


WTF are skin tags?!
May 1, 2009
I am, and I'm actually excited for the first time about an Apple product that I'm putting the Oct. 26th date for pre-orders on my phone calendar. I had the orignal iPad handed down to me and found it so portable and faster than my Asus netbook that it got me started into reading digital books. But the weight of the iPad in one hand made it hard to lie down in bed and hold it in one hand (sitting in bed reading made my neck sore).

Almost bought Sony's E-reader, almost bought the Nook, almost bought the Kindle, but there was always a new cigar I wanted to try. Sound familiar? :laugh:

Anybody else buying this new tablet?

There's also the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD if you're in the market for 7" tablets. $70 less, too, plus 8GB versions for $199.

I'm thinking about it. I like the regular size now though to read PDFs and stuff so I'm interested to see how all that looks on the mini.
I didn't even know there was an ipad mini until now, but at $329 I'll pass. I've never found Apple to be worth the premium they put on their products and I don't like how rigid itunes is.

I think the Kindle Fire is a much better deal for half the price, especially if you are just using it to read books. You could buy a decent box of cigars with the money you save.

The Kindle Fire HD and Google Nexus 7 for $199 are also way cheaper and pretty much do the same thing, except on Android. If the price on the ipad mini comes down maybe I'd look at it again, but I just don't see the value.
I honestly don't see the point. Theres the iPhone, and the iPad, why do you need something in between? Maybe I just don't get it...
My wife and I both have a Nook Tablet and love them. The only Apple product I own is an iPod Nano, and that is only because I won it at a golf tournament.

I will not be purchasing the iPad Mini when it's released. I am however going to purchase the new Nook when it comes out. It's going to be running Ice Cream Sandwich, and will allow the user to side load apps that aren't in the B&N App store.
My hate for Apple is to high.. I had a Ipad first before my kindle and it just cost more and I felt was to bulky. My plan is to upgrade my kindle fire to the HD 8.9.
I honestly don't see the point. Theres the iPhone, and the iPad, why do you need something in between? Maybe I just don't get it...
There's a market for the 7" "in between" tablet. Not sure if it's there at $329, other than iSheeple, though.
So is an Ipad mini the same thing as a mini pad?

Just without the wings :p
There's also the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD...


BUT the iSheep will always follow..

Not just no, but hell no!
Tell me how you really feel, backslide :laugh:
I could see the Kool Aid still hasn't lost its potency sheesh

Los, I think it's because whenever I wear a red shirt, I kinda look like him already, minus the jug in my hand, :laugh:

Kindle and save the money.
I own a MacBook Pro a iPad and a iPhone but will not be doing the mini, just does not make sense since there is no gap needing to be filled. And yes you could say there is some CoolAid in this, but there is no way you could deny the seamless functionality of the platform. It just works, it works well and works together. iBaaaa! Oops, where did that come from..
there is no way you could deny the seamless functionality of the platform. It just works, it works well and works together.
What doesn't "just work" with an Android tablet? I assume you're on the MS bandwagon now, too, since Win 8 is going to be even more seamless between devices?
there is no way you could deny the seamless functionality of the platform. It just works, it works well and works together.
What doesn't "just work" with an Android tablet? I assume you're on the MS bandwagon now, too, since Win 8 is going to be even more seamless between devices?

Nope, MS sucks. I run MAC OS and on my PC's I run Linux just so I don't ever have to deal with windows.

I don't know with the iPad Mini. No retina display, older processor, and very high price for what you're getting. I have an iPad 1 with wi-fi only and really enjoy it around the house for surfing the web and checking email...but that's about it. I bought a refurb from Apple and saved $150 from the MSRP at that time.

If you are sold on Apple versus the Android products, I would buy a refurbed iPad 3 for $50 more directly from Apple before spending $329 for the mini with it's lower specs. When they refurb it they replace the glass, back, and battery...so basically the only thing original is the screen (if working properly) and internal circuitry.

Food for thought.
I will never own an Apple product. You can get a 32 gb Nexus 7 with 3G for $250.00. And it is a way better product than anything Apple will roll out in that format.
In office we have iPads (newest gen) and Nexus 7's, and I've used them both.

I know it's not completely fair comparison but it's the closest it's going to get.

From what I can tell, the people that are comfortable with the Nexus, use the Nexus and people that love the iPad, will use the iPad.

The real argument is how much you're willing to spend for one device over another, and what apps you "must have" and which device supports them.

Fandroids calling Apple enthusiasts "iSheep" is so 3 years ago, c'mon guys. :laugh: