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Intro to CP...


'Member? C'mon you 'member!
Nov 12, 2004
Hi all,

AVB suggested I do an intro, which sounded like a good idea, so here it is... not sure exactly what to include, so here's a short bio:

(Sorry to bore ya!) Happily married, Idaho, 42, Program Manager, former paratrooper, 3 sons, no pets, blah, blah, blah....

I was introduced to cigars about 6 months ago when some guys I work with and I started playing weekly poker games. Since then, I've gotten slowly but firmly drawn into the fold. Now, I look forward to the cigar breaks more than the poker. (We've begun playing our games in the garage now so that we can smoke through the entire game without suffering the wraths of our repsective spouses or getting kicked outside... heh heh...)

Anyway, being a newbie I'm still trying to find my favorite smoke. I like to try different brands and sizes. At first, I stuck with milder sticks but now I enjoy those in the Medium range. I keep notes (taste, contruction, draw, appearance, etc.) on everything I smoke so I can remember what I like and what I don't.

That's about it... Next poker game is tomorrow, so all is well in the world. (Except it's in the friggin garage -- and it's cold as hell -- ah, well, the smokes make it worth it!)

If you've read through all of this muck and are still awake, thanks for your time!

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em!

Welcome aboard! Check out the Newbie Sampler Thread in Buy/Sell and the FOG's will take care of ya!
Welcome to our little spot on the 'net. I'm sure you'll like it here. :thumbs:
Welcome and enjoy - great BOTLs, great community.

Ask away if you have questions and search the archives loads of good, informative
and hilarious stuff to find.

Hello and Welcome, from 'still warm enough to smoke outdoors' Florida. :p
Howdy Steve and welcome to CP from Sunny Central "still warm enough to smoke outdoors" Florida....... :D :thumbs: :p

I like that John, kinda has a nice ring to that. Maybe we can even ask to have the State Motto changed to it. :D
Welcome to CP Steve...nice bunch of folks here...check out the Newbie trade thread.

As a newbie myself, I think your going to love this site,,,and since you have not been smoking all that long I think you'll find this site more then heplfull,,,,

Welcome to Cp,,enjoy !!! :D :D :D

Welcome to Cigar Pass Steve , the poker game sounds like a blast.
Hey on a side note SFG75 has a heater that he use to use in his garage
when he smoked in the winter time, maybe you could get him to
send it to you since he moved and no longer has a garage . The
only thing is you might have to keep the door open when useing
the heater because of the extreme heat output.


:sign: :sign: :sign:

Randy :D
Randyb1 said:
Hey on a side note SFG75 has a heater that he use to use in his garage
when he smoked in the winter time, maybe you could get him to
send it to you since he moved and no longer has a garage . The
only thing is you might have to keep the door open when useing
the heater because of the extreme heat output.


:sign: :sign: :sign:

Randy :D
Once again, we're glad to have you Steve. And yes, if you want my impressive flame-throwing heater, you are more than welcome to have it. ;) :p Though be advised that randyb1's coat caught on fire and gibu and I had to roll him around in the snow to put the fire out. :D :D