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Inspiration needed...

Oscar will be my fisrt born son's name

My joke name is Jack Daniels the First!
I am told that our first boys name will be Brooks Austin Whelan, though that will more than likely be a ways away. I've got one friend whose last name is "Key" and I am trying to convince him to name his first son "Don", and another whose last name is "Bush" who I would pay to name his first son "Harry", those are always some options for you!
Thanks guys! I think I'll have to compile a list of all the suggestions so far and pair them up with my last name and see what the wifey thinks and find out how they all sound.

I am told that our first boys name will be Brooks Austin Whelan, though that will more than likely be a ways away. I've got one friend whose last name is "Key" and I am trying to convince him to name his first son "Don", and another whose last name is "Bush" who I would pay to name his first son "Harry", those are always some options for you!

I've heard of a few interesting first and last name pairings. One uncle worked with Peter Abbott, and one of my high school teachers knew a Ben Dover. I'm hoping to avoid anything like that :) Luckily Norek is a fairly uncommon last name. There are only a handful of us in the province.
Why don't you try Mickhael or Mickael, it is french or russian I believe and it's literal meaning is "victorious spirit" and " who is like god" preety nice eh? and you can tell your son you got his name from a CP newbie back in the day :)
Archibald has always been one of my favorites. TheWife(c) wouldn't go for it with TheBoy(c), but it will be my next dog's name. :sign:

There's a reason many names have lasted for generations. A strong, traditional name can be more of an asset than a liability. Remember, it's your kid's name for the rest of their life; they have to live with it (and learn how to spell it :) ).

For another idea, naming your child after your father or grandfather is a great way to honor them and your child.

Just some thoughts from a dad whose kids are surrounded with "unique" named schoolmates.

I'm with you on this one. I lobbied hard for Cyrus Archibald but got vetoed, it was my great grandfather's name. My wife's argument was derived from the movie Con Air where there was a character called Cyrus the Virus and my wife was worried he'd get teased. My counter argument was what kid in their right mind would mess with someone named Cyrus the Virus? He would rule the playground!! I lost but we did keep the CAC initials alive in our family and used my dad's and grandfather's middle name, Allan. I'm a sucker for tradition.
Kieren Norek has a nice symmetry to it. Otherwise I'd avoid anything that ends in an N just so it's easier to tell where one name ends and the next one begins.

What about Mork? Mork Norek? That's neat.

Horace Norek? You could call him Harry for short, although Harry Norek sounds like one of those purposefully esoteric sexual slang terms from that email forward that gets passed around.
I plan on naming my first son Liam Keifer Montoya. Good strong Gaelic name, with a hint of German and bit of a Spanish twist at the end!
I decided that if, by some freak occurrence, I was to have a child, I would name them Aiden (male) or Teagan (female).
I have a cousin named Cash. Ive always thought it was an awesome name.
Not too sure about a middle name but ive always thought Cash was original.
It rolls off the tounge sounding completely bad ass! Hope it helps.
Good luck with the search.