In Denver 7/30-8/3 and Estes Park 8/4-8/8, lookin to Herf.


Brought to you by Carl's Junior.
Jul 10, 2011
I'm not sure how much free time I'll have but I'd like to meet up with any BOTLs that are up for it (depending on where everyone's at). I'm hoping to hit Great Divide Brewing and the Denver Brewing Co while in Denver, and Avery Brewing and Oskar Blues Brewery while we're wandering around.
If anyone has any suggestions on other breweries, honey holes for cigars, beer & whiskeys, or really good restaurants please let me know.
Casa Bonita is not on my list...
Jason has a honey hole, we don't call him Backslide for nothing.
As the date gets closer I will see what free time looks like, could be time for a mother Denver Herf!
We could always meet at that place where we did that stuff that time.
If you are heading to Estes Park, I think Fort Collins is close by.  There are a lot of nice brew pubs in town (New Belgium, Odell's, Funkwerks are some favs).
Fort Collins is the home of New Belgium, Odell's, Fort Collins, Black Bottle breweries along with about 20+ more.
There is a new whiskey bar that opened up on College in Old Town Fort Collins, 500+ whiskeys, including 6 barrels tagged behind the bar. They used to allow cigar smoking upstairs on their back patio, but the city banned it. This is the last month to do so. The bar is called The Whisk(e)y at Tony's. Irish is the manager and very cigar friendly. Tell him Loren sent you.
Fort Collins is definitely on the list for one afternoon and hoping to hit Avery in Boulder on the way to or from Estes. 
Looks like either Friday the 1st or Saturday the 2nd will be my night to smoke in Denver. At least I've narrowed it down that much. The girlfriend wants it to be Fri to make it easier on one of her friends, I want it to be Sat so I can at least meet up with Jason. Anyone else interested in meeting up let me know whichever day works best. I'll negotiate for whatever day I can meet up with the most folks.
While in Estes Park, you need to stop at Estes Park brewery, I love their Stinger honey wheat brew.
I will see what I can work for Sat.
Its official then, 8/2 for our date. Looking forward to it!
I may not be able to meet you all at falling rock but they do have lost abbey and I've been wanting to try that stuff. Time?

I'm flexible, I think any time after 1-2 will be fine. I don't plan on starting that early, but ya never know. Lost Abbey is pretty damn good...
I am still waiting to see what work/school look like but should know soon-ish
Anyone have a time preference for this thing yet? I know its a ways off still, but the girlfriend is trying to get me to have dinner that night(Sat the 2nd) at 5-6ish with more of her friends, making this a lunch/ afternoon meet up.
I might be able to push dinner later, or she may have to have dinner without me. Let me know what y'all have in mind.
I will likely be able to meet you all when you head over to Delany's. If you all start at falling rock around 1, I will head over to Delany's at around 2:30. It's walking distance.
Very cool, I didn't realize they were that close. I like that plan.
Still working this one out guys