Todd isn’t even short for anything. They just named a baby that.
No wonder everyone says you're an asshole.I personally cannot imagine anyone creating something, and not being around to see how it grows & blossoms.
No wonder everyone says you're an asshole.
Just checkin in here. Recognise a lot of the geesers still here.So, you hate folks that have an opinion? Why would someone's opinion threaten you? You obviously seem threatened by words.
I will respect your opinion, and I won't crap all over it.
folks also ridiculed Jesus, and then they put him on a cross.
No wonder everyone says you're an asshole.
Recording this for posterity. Consider it the second gospel of Stogie_fan.So, you hate folks that have an opinion? Why would someone's opinion threaten you? You obviously seem threatened by words.
I will respect your opinion, and I won't crap all over it.
folks also ridiculed Jesus, and then they put him on a cross.
When even Tom thinks you're an asshole it's probably time for some self reflection.No wonder everyone says you're an asshole.
You clearly have a reading comprehension issue.So, you hate folks that have an opinion? Why would someone's opinion threaten you? You obviously seem threatened by words.
I will respect your opinion, and I won't crap all over it.
folks also ridiculed Jesus, and then they put him on a cross.
You clearly have a reading comprehension issue.
Nowhere did I mention hating anyone for any reason. And I'm not sure how you come up with me feeling threatened by your opinion. You clearly think pretty highly of yourself.
I don't care if you respect my opinion.
Comparing yourself to Jesus is just the confirmation that you are, indeed, an asshole.
How lonely you must be to grab for attention any way you can get it. They only thing you’ve created here is a crystal clear example of how to turn an entire community against you.. You’re pathetic at best…I personally cannot imagine anyone creating something, and not being around to see how it grows & blossoms.
How lonely you must be to grab for attention any way you can get it. They only thing you’ve created here is a crystal clear example of how to turn an entire community against you.. You’re pathetic at best…
With that out of the way, I hope you’re doing well @Rod! Thank you for creating this massive family. Home to the most generous and caring people I’ve ever met (you know.. except for that one guy)
Probably because the other 14,994 have you on ignoreWhy would you assume I'm lonely? And, why would any CP member, myself included, seek attention in a public forum where all they get is dog piling & ridicule?
I am here at CP because I have a passion for cigars, and I desire to learn about the hobby. I live a full life. I don't require any attention, and I am certainly not lonely. So, your assumptions are completely off.
CP has nearly 15K registered members. You state I have created an example of how to turn an entire community against me. Well ,you are wrong on that point as well. CP has only about 20 members that typically post with any regularity. Within those ~20 CP members, only about ~6 consistently dog pile on me & post ridicule about me. That is their choice, and yours too.
So, you think 6 members out of 15K is an entire community?
The reason CP is not growing is because of the negativity created by the very few; the few that do the dog piling, and that ridicule other BOTL. Other CP members see the elementary school level mentality demonstrated by such a small minority of members, they understand it is allowed to continue, and then folks wonder why the place is stagnant?
No; I'm not lonely, and I'm not seeking attention. I also know the concept of mathematics.
I'm not comparing myself to Jesus, I'm just [compares self to Jesus].and conversely, I don't care if everyone says I'm an asshole; opinions are like that. Everyone has one.
if a very few members here continue to dog pile & ridicule one member, that is their choice but it only demonstrates a maturity approachiong grade school level.
I was not comparing myself to Jesus but he was ridiculed & he was also human. I'm human too.
I'm not comparing myself to Jesus, I'm just [compares self to Jesus].
I never said a single thing to you before my post above. I've seen your posts plenty, and have also seen the responses. I never "dog piled". But that shot at Rod was too much for me.
You call it middle school behavior. I disagree.
The members here see someone that is not a good fit for the community, they let that person know. Taking pot shots at Rod clearly demonstrates you are not only not a good fit for here, but also an attention whore. You should not be here. You don't want to learn about the hobby. You just want to draw attention to yourself any and every way you can.
I've smelled bigger bullshitters than you from farther distances. Not to toot my own horn, but I have a decent track record here of being to identify the assholes pretty quickly. Often when my spidey senses have tingled, I've been told I was wrong. I'd just lay back and watch it all unfold until someone smokes shellac and it becomes clear to everyone.
Obviously, I was late to this party. I wasn't around much. When I was I mostly only skimmed the posts. I saw where people were going after you. I didn't know the whole story, so I kept quiet; trusting the guys that have been here for a long time. Just watching, knowing you'd show your granola smoothie before long.
Hopefully your shot at Rod is the lightbulb for any members here that were still unsure of you. The problem is, even if they ignore you, you're still going to attention whore away. Just look at the "Latest profile posts" section at the bottom of the forum. Every single one is yours. Even the one about you not getting people who post selfies? While you just make post after post after post to fill that section and make it all about you. Your stupid tag line is about choosing a car. No one gives a shit.
Probably because the other 14,994 have you on ignoreYou’re also mighty defensive for someone who claims not to care. Lol
Wow you can leave now for good. That was to far even for an asshole like you.posting statistical facts is not in any way me being defensive; it's just me posting facts
as far as anyone being in any type of defensive mode; they would not have any need for that unless they were constantly taking on incoming rounds.
If you had a daughter, and she came home one day & told you she was raped, you would prolly blame her. I can just see it.