i'm still alive


The Jolly Company
Oct 25, 2003

So, i'm back. It's winter break time, and i'm sort of chilling. I'm kind of low on the cigar end, but since i'm with my parents, i can't really have any.

It also doesn't help that they don't know that i do smoke.
Ahh, the secrets. It's a good thing i have my own computer.

Anyways, i'm here to say that i'm still alive and sort of kicking. I'm poor at the moment, so i can't buy stuff.

Anyone knows how asking phil for money/humidor stuff went?
Anyone wanna sum up the past coupla months?

I'm behind, and i'm lazy.

Oh, i have a contest in "cigar deals". I didn't think of it fair to be put in lobby. Hopefully y'all still like me after you read the contest.
I can sum up the last few months in one word : Drama.

As for Phil, a certified letter from moki went unaccepted. He is presumed dead.
I thought the letter was accepted but not replied to? He could be serving time in prison :whistling:

Multiple DWI's will get ya there in no time nowadays ;)
I'm married and poor all the time, what's yer point?

thejollyco said:

Anyways, i'm here to say that i'm still alive and sort of kicking. I'm poor at the moment, so i can't buy stuff.

I went from Mod to big-time-bad-boy while you were gone. See what you missed!
I'm also the current entertainment here ;)
DaveWF said:
I went from Mod to big-time-bad-boy while you were gone. See what you missed!
I'm also the current entertainment here ;)
See, there lies the problem Dave. You are the only one who thinks you are entertainment. No one else is laughing or amused by you bringing down one of the best kept secrets on the internet. Get over your self.

Did Lee take the day off? I guess I'll have to step in..


DaveWF said:
I went from Mod to big-time-bad-boy while you were gone. See what you missed!
I'm also the current entertainment here ;)

The last few months have been disconcerting how far some once respected folks have changed or shown true colors...Oh yeah someone stole my pass, I mean played a cruel joke on many of us...TFF!!!... :laugh: :D :thumbs:
DaveWF said:
I went from Mod to big-time-bad-boy while you were gone. See what you missed!
I'm also the current entertainment here ;)

Nope. That's not quite right. You went from scumbag mod to scumbag.

The certified letter was accepted, but Phil never contacted me in any way.
I am a relative newbie here, but even I know the difference between entertainment and annoyance.
Hey Jolly-
I became a newb about the last time you were around, so I'll give it a shot...

You're probably caught up on Phil....

CC lost his mind, lost an election, then won it back, (both his mind and the election), then lost his pass, then got it back, then lost some smokes, but they were really accounted for...

A pass was stolen by some criminal, who turned out to be Floyd, but it was really at CC's who sent it on to Moki who also lost his mind for a while, but really didn't cuz it was a joke.

Dave has gone from worse to worser to now probably just gone, however Sam and Lee, who now has his own board, have been most entertaining in the process.

Moki and others have been sampling WK salty nuts, who has Texans Pass, except he's not in it cuz p's and t's have been a general subject of drama.......

Uh... Dixie and I have been burning a lot of smokes together

There have been a ton of Santa bomb's...........

other than that, it's kinda boring.....you know, cigars, trades , passes and stuff.....

and Happy Holidays.......
heh, nice update. thanks.

gah, so much has happened, and i feel left out. :(

maybe i should start burning things again.
Hey Jolly, as long as you didn't stab anybody in the neck, then all is well bro! :0

Welcome back :thumbs:
you're here too?

dang the whole chat room gang is almost here.
is that still being used?