Alright, busy week. I went to the VA Monday for blood work. Tuesday I had a PET scan, Wednesday I had Chemo and met with my Oncologist and today I had a consult with a VA Dr. The good cancer is stable. It has not grown (or shrunk) since September (my last PET scan). I am happy of course. We will continue with what we've been doing for 3 more months when we will have another PET. Eventually things will change and then we will have to decide what's next. But, in my "live life in 3 month increments" lifestyle, I am not going to worry about that any more than necessary. The VA thing is being worked on. I really hope I get help so I can afford to retire. The chemo (every 3 weeks) I receive is $16,000.00 per treatment. I can't do it with out some sort of health insurance. I'll keep plugging until we find a satisfactory alternative. Thanks guys. Your support surely helps.