I'm going to lose 100 lbs.

I am not watching how much weight I am losing. It really defeats the whole purpose of dieting for me. I can put 4 fingers on the inside of the waistline just at the hip bone. I've lost enough that I can carry my Springfield XD within the pants so I have ordered a Paddle holster for it. Like my Nutritionist said to me. No more than 2400 calories and no less than 1800 calories a day. I started the diet a couple of weeks before Jan 21st, 2009. Just cut out some things and its really made a difference. She said I can slowly work down to 1800 calories a day once I have been dieting for some time and let my body adjust to the weight loss.

But it helps when you have a hot MILF for a Nutritionist. LOL!!! I still have like 80 pages of information to read. And just remember this one...when you walk and all that, you slowly turn that fat into muscle and it weighs more. Of course you will hit a plateau and that means you have to trudge on like a good little soldier. I talked with my Nutritionist for a good 45 minutes which really helped on some pointers I had forgotten about. As I did take a Foods and Nutritionist class back at my days of attending University of Utah. I fell asleep in the class a few times and it was the only one I pulled the following off. I fell asleep and woke up as I was falling out of the chair. But that isn't the best part. I had a tape recorder for all my lectures and this incident I almost took the chair with me. Luckily for me, I woke up before the chair tumbled.

When I was weighed back in Dec 17th, 2008 I was sitting at a whopping 283 lbs. But that was with keys, knife, tons of change, wallet, custom leather shoes, and every thing else. Except the kitchen sink. I know I've lost weight and I really do not want to know till next Jan 21st, 2010. As this is a long term goal and not a short one. One thing she told me to do was this...if I get a craving for something. Just get it and get it over with. Since suppressing those urges could cause me to go way over board. So if I crave a Whopper, just get it before its 10 Whoppers in one sitting. And yes, I can pull it off and probably be done in 5 minutes. :laugh:

Buts its always good to hear others in the same mess as I am. Dieting...While I was in Moscow, I managed to walk over 70+ miles in 2 months and managed to gain weight while eating healthy. All because it turned to muscle and I told my Nutritionist I want to lose weight first, then worry about toning up. So I am not exercising whatsoever aka pool work or walking just yet. I will wait till Spring time when I will get into these 2 activities. :D
You guys have inspired me to get involved. I am 251 lbs. right now. Tomorrow morning I return to my diet and exercise regimen.
Good look with the diet. I was about 200 lbs a few years back and I went down to 172 lbs. I know it is not in your category but I think being on a diet is the same wether you are 300 lbs or 200 lbs. Being on a diet is a test on how stubborn you are. Make usre that you have some sort of reward for yourself if you reach your goal. I promsed myself to treat me to a nice watch if I could reach my goal. Don't weigh in too often...the weight goes up and down. I normally weighed in at the same time every week. Make sure that you plot your result in Excel or something like that so that you can look at the development. Make sure to get more excercise, try to eat more healthy (I eat mostly fish) and don't get that second portion :-) But I guess you have heard all these things before. Good luck with the diet and I hope that you reach your goal :thumbs:
My local biggest losers team is not doing so well. Competition is for $1,000 but We won't be winning.

Found out one of our 4 person team was told by the doc that she wasn't to loose any more weight. She is somewhere around 120. Not sure why she wanted to loose weight.

Her husband is weighing in tomorrow then stopping in at the local Chinese restaurant. He has done that more than once since we started.

My wife at least is maintaining an exercise program. I don't have the time as I prefer to remain employed and the evening is filled with more meetings and kids ball games.
Great thread, and good luck to you! My wife and I have also started "watching what we eat" this past Monday. On Monday I weighed in at 220 lbs. The heaviest that I have ever weighed, and I decided that it was time to deal with it. My personal goal is to get down to 195 - 200 range by Sumer. A little exercise, and watching what eat should make it possible.

Good luck!

It is beginning to become similar to walking a tightrope. If I eat too much, I gain weight and if I don't eat enough, my sugar goes low while I am out walking. It is possible my medication needs to be adjusted down again.

Last night I had a piece of pie for the first time since Christmas. Sonya and I were out walking and I started feeling bad so we stopped at Our Best Restaurant for piece of pie. I felt much better walking home and although I am certain my sugar was higher than I want during the night, it was 95 this morning. I normally put a pack of snack crackers in pocket before walking, but naturally, I didn't have any with me last night.
After being sick for the last two weeks, I figured I would check in.

Weight this morning was 285, so the illness sapped a couple more pounds (if I keep them off). I'm at 99% health now and running out of excuses not to exercise.

Back to the routine for me, 21 weeks left to go in my vacation challenge and I've got to average more than 4lbs a week to meet the goal.
I need to make a new notch on my leather belt. I love the feeling that I know I am losing weight without weighing in. This isn't a 400 meter sprint I am doing. Its going to turn into a life time marathon run. I just found out that a guy I know is 300+ and is 20 years old. He suffered a stroke at the age of 20. If that isn't encouragement to lose weight, I have no idea what is. I told him once Spring comes around I plan on going to the Rec Center to do some swimming and what not. That gives him the 6 weeks he needs to keep it easy and gives me more time to drop some more fat before I start toning what I've lost.

I can not wait for Spring as it means pulling out a cigar and taking a 2 mile walk. Its just to damn cold here to be walking right now.
Official biggest loser contest 4 week weigh in was today. I lost 7 (with no exercise). My wife 10 (she goes to the gym various times a week if she feels up to it.
Good on you, I used to weigh around 240 now I weigh 170. (6' 3")

I didn't read all the posts here so ill say what helps me easily consist a healthy body and lose weight when I needed to and it may have been said already.

Drop eating after 8 PM
Drop all pops (i guess you guys call it soda haha)
6 small meals a day, large breakfast.
Lots of turkey, and grilled foods.

Ill try to think of others
I also run about 4 miles every other day in every season other then winter, I started off VERY small, like one mile a day, and kept working up.
I am fighting the same battle right now. My goal is 250 and I am at 320 right now. I have been spending at least 45 minutes on the treadmill at a brisk 4 mph pace at least 5 days a week. I started at 328 and it has just been over a week and a half. I will shed this extra weight.
This isn't a 400 meter sprint I am doing.

I think that's a very big key to being successful. Everytime I used to try dieting I would invariably fall off the wagon, gain a couple pounds, and then say, "Screw it! It isn't gonna work." What I'm learning now is that we all fall off the wagon but the trick is to get right back on. So you splurge and eat a big heavy dinner one night...okay, get right back on that horse the next day and make up for it!

I think that's why people struggle with this. They take a backwards step and get frustrated and give up. They expect to shed the weight effortlessly. But it takes commitment, effort, and will power day after day, week after week, etc.

For me, I spent my teens and 20's 50lbs+ overweight. Now that I'm the same weight now that I was at 15 years old, I feel great and want to do even better. I'll never be as heavy as I was because I said "enough is enough".
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
Yes... Yes it is... I understand a "reward" for riding the bike but I think Golden Corral is a little much.

I'm 24, 6' 3" 210 lbs., 14% BFP so I know a little about how to lose and maintain a healthy physique. Losing weight is a marathon like many have said. It's not going to happen overnight so don't fret if your weight fluctuates. The best thing to do is to be consistent with a set program. Don't freak out if your weight goes up a couple pounds. Just keep on trucking and don't get too discouraged.

But above all else, resist the cravings for Golden Corral, Coldstone, and Mickey D's. These types of places are a haven for unhealthy eating. One trip can set back progress a whole week. Instead, treat yourself to a low-fat snack like yogurt or a mango. Still extremely tasty and not so bad for you...

BTW... willpower is what's going to get you through this. Not us...
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
Yes... Yes it is... I understand a "reward" for riding the bike but I think Golden Corral is a little much.

I'm 24, 6' 3" 210 lbs., 14% BFP so I know a little about how to lose and maintain a healthy physique. Losing weight is a marathon like many have said. It's not going to happen overnight so don't fret if your weight fluctuates. The best thing to do is to be consistent with a set program. Don't freak out if your weight goes up a couple pounds. Just keep on trucking and don't get too discouraged.

But above all else, resist the cravings for Golden Corral, Coldstone, and Mickey D's. These types of places are a haven for unhealthy eating. One trip can set back progress a whole week. Instead, treat yourself to a low-fat snack like yogurt or a mango. Still extremely tasty and not so bad for you...

BTW... willpower is what's going to get you through this. Not us...

It is nine miles.
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.

Keep at this my friend,

I am pulling for you, thinking of you and sending you all my respect.

Keep it up, you will do it, and I will keep watching.
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
BTW... willpower is what's going to get you through this. Not us...

It is nine miles.

Even more reason to not eat there. Do you want to throw away all that hard work you just went through just for a buffet? I understand your blood sugar may be low but there are far healthier ways to fix that.

The bold sentance says it all. Willpower is going to get you through this. Yes, you have everyone's support and encouragment as you go through this long and arduous process; but we're not with you as you live your daily life. We're not there to tell you not to eat that last bear claw or Ho-Ho. You have to believe within yourself that you can accomplish this.

(BTW...Sorry if this comes off as harsh but I stick to the tough love philosophy when it comes to weight loss)