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I'm Back, Gustav is gone


Aug 15, 2008
We made it through another one of nature's curve balls! We still do not have electricity or gasoline. I do have a generator runinng to keep a couple of rooms cool and the frig plugged in to keep the homebrews cold.

There is major tree and roof damage that is pretty wide spread. I spent the most of the last two days cleaning debris and finding drinkable water and fuel.

There was three major events for me during this event that I need to mention. (I will not gripe about conditions or lack of supplies, due to my own decision of staying)

1. I lost my cheap Thompson humidor due to a tree limb breaking a window and causing wind and rain to complete destory the contents. Luckily for me I only had about 6 sticks from a newbie trade :( and about 5 sticks from a Thompson sampler buy :D .

2. I did have two smoking experiences, I would like to share. First, I tried my first ISOM. it was wonderful. I fully enjoyed it to the nub. Secondly, I smoked a Tat Angeles later that night. I sure wish someone could have warned me about that one!! That little thing has quite a bite. I was only into a third of it before the room started spinning faster than Gustav! :laugh: WOW!!!

3. I was introduced to my first MRE. They we're better than my wife's cooking!

Thanks for everyone's prayers and good wishes!

Glad everyone's OK! Those MRE's are not half bad nowadays. We are watching Tropical Storm Hanna here in SC and Hurricane Ike that's coming up next looks like it's going to be a real shitkicker wherever it goes.... :0
Glad everythings good for ya Rich. Well, at least until your wife reads your cooking comment.
Nice to see you made it through ok. Plus had a good smoking experiance, hell what could be better than that.
Thank God that thing wasn't another Katrina. Glad to hear you guys made it through without any injuries...glass & roofs can easily be replaced...you can't :thumbs:
Glad you made it through OK. My friends down in Houma had similar problems with trees down. I drove to Memphis on Tuesday morning and saw a convoy of electrical/tree cleaning trucks headed south on I-55. Hope you get your power back soon.
Ike is gunna be a real pisser when it comes through here early next week. I need to get the boys over to help me put up the storm shutters.
Ike is gunna be a real pisser when it comes through here early next week. I need to get the boys over to help me put up the storm shutters.
It looks like the main impact will miss you now. That's good for you, maybe bad for me!!
Glad you made it through ok.
We've got Hanna coming up the coast ... doesn't look bad though.
Yeah it's looking like the high pressure is pushing it away from us a lil. I put up most of the shutters tonight anyways just in case. Hope you guys don't get hit again.
If it does come this way, I have learned from Gustav.
When you had a little to much to drink and get a little cocky, don't relieve yourself INTO the wind screaming "Take this Gustav". Go with the wind!! :whistling: