The hinges took me years to master as well as the joints. I was even supprised that they are so strong. I'll post pics of how I make them asap.(and how to blow them up)Truly stunning pieces of work.
Can you provde some details/pics of those wooden hinges. Those are unbelievable. Esp that they are heavy enough to work and hold the lid.
Oh my God dude...I've spent my time on this site without pictures, (damned filter) and am just now seeing this thread in all it glory...Holy Shit! You are a frakkin' Jedi Master, and I want on your list! No kidding! I'll be PM'ing you with the appropriate details... do you walk with such stones? That's the coolest damned thing I think I've seen...very, very good on ya'. Wow!
*low whistle in honor of your greatness*
If you like, go to They make the fence that makes it possible to do the DT's with that precision. I have a lot of my work in their gallery too. Thanks again. :thumbs: