Marvin, I'm finishing my first as I type. You hit the nail on the head with your description. It has a nice slight brown-sugary sweetness that has me smacking my lips. Nice! As with most of Dion's San Andreas, it isn't overwhelmingly gritty or earthy like most other SA cigars out there... the earth is there, but it isn't clubbing you over the head. The complexity is very good for how young it is; it's going to age fabulously.mc808 said:
Thank you sir!Congratulations on the your latest, Marvin. They look great!
I presume the fillers are ULTRA-esqe? That blend is a power-house, but I can imagine the inherent earthiness of the San Andreas could really compliment it nicely. Jason's right--you may have the next T110 on your hands.
Dion seems to be earning a LOT of my cigar budget for the next few months.
I wouldn't put it in the Ultra power category, more medium plus for me. The cigar has wonderful caramel and coffee notes with a touch spice. Not very peppery but with a smooth and rich flavor profile.