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If this goes through... I am going to get a new job!

I am willing to compromise.....I will stop hunting animals for one year if I can shoot just one PETA'r
Don't stop hunting, just hunt PETA people. They always want to be covered in blood anyway . . .
That pic is disturbing. While I don't agree with the extreme views of PETA, I am for more ethical treatment of animals.
True, I'm not about torturing animals either, but I am strongly against PETA, they are redundant, there is already the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, they were doing a good jub, but they weren't radically political enough for PETA and they actually focused on animals, not on the people who wore fur coats or the corporations that don't agree with their uber vegan agenda.

edited for spelling
Basically what they are saying is it's alright to starve newborn babies in order to save cows from being milked. :rolleyes:

These people need to get a grip. For every animal they don't eat I'm eating 3.
That pic is disturbing. While I don't agree with the extreme views of PETA, I am for more ethical treatment of animals.

I'm sure they are all going to be skinned for glove liners and the meat will end up in a tasty bunny stew.
I say cut out the middle man. I have a 6qt Ice Mountain Ice Cream maker.
OMG Peta is so full of themselves

BATSHIT INSANE is the term that comes to mind...

They aren't crazy... It's a very calculated statement.

First, it is of course a controversial position, which is done to get attention.

Second, they crafted it to humanize cows. By saying "use human breast milk instead" they conjure up absurd images of women lined on milking machines, which makes you think how horrible this would be, and "who in their right mind would do it?" Then you think of the cows, and think "geez, that must be bad for them too"

Third, they carefully chose their verbiage. They are insinuating that cows are raped with "cows are forcefully impregnated" (as if there is any other way to artificially inseminate cows).

So yeah, they are fringe wackos, but they aren't stupid. The message was carefully crafted.
OMG Peta is so full of themselves

BATSHIT INSANE is the term that comes to mind...

They aren't crazy... It's a very calculated statement.

First, it is of course a controversial position, which is done to get attention.

Second, they crafted it to humanize cows. By saying "use human breast milk instead" they conjure up absurd images of women lined on milking machines, which makes you think how horrible this would be, and "who in their right mind would do it?" Then you think of the cows, and think "geez, that must be bad for them too"

Third, they carefully chose their verbiage. They are insinuating that cows are raped with "cows are forcefully impregnated" (as if there is any other way to artificially inseminate cows).

So yeah, they are fringe wackos, but they aren't stupid. The message was carefully crafted.

Of course they aren't stupid and the message is very well crafted, I don't think they would be the successful terrorist organization (not like blowing stuff up terrorist, but still destruction of property and causing fear and discrimination in and against meat eaters and fur wearers) that they are if they weren't well organized, controversial and intelligent. Doesn't change the fact that they are still crazy and well funded.

Intelligent, crazy, well-organized, well-funded, and no real opposition, that's a scary kinda power.
OMG Peta is so full of themselves

BATSHIT INSANE is the term that comes to mind...

They aren't crazy... It's a very calculated statement.

First, it is of course a controversial position, which is done to get attention.

Second, they crafted it to humanize cows. By saying "use human breast milk instead" they conjure up absurd images of women lined on milking machines, which makes you think how horrible this would be, and "who in their right mind would do it?" Then you think of the cows, and think "geez, that must be bad for them too"

Third, they carefully chose their verbiage. They are insinuating that cows are raped with "cows are forcefully impregnated" (as if there is any other way to artificially inseminate cows).

So yeah, they are fringe wackos, but they aren't stupid. The message was carefully crafted.

If you bought a cow dinner, played a little Barry White....who knows where it could lead.