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If the embargo were to end

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I don't see the Trading With the Enemy Act going away anytime in the near future. Cuba's government will have to change from it's current dictatorship which is presently controlled by people who HATE us before anything will change. That won't be for a very long time.

It's all in their hands, the ball is in their court. If the Cuban people continue to tolerate and accept the lowlife criminals who run their country or can't or won't do anything about it then nothing with change regarding the Trading With the Enemy Act nor should it.

Since you ignored my question and simply posted your opinion of Cuban politics then you can try to answer me this. Do you boycott the U.S. companies that currently do business in Cuba?

I "ignored" your question because based on how I see things, I don't see the Trading With the enemy Act going away anytime soon. Your questions assume that it will end soon and I don't think it will.
Hey Kujo, do you think that maybe, just maybe, this topic has been discussed before? Thanks for being the 148th person to ask this question and start the discussion again.

Next time, try using the search function.

ps - I recommend you back off from challenging Bill like you did in your smartass post above, it won't end anywhere good.

I searched "embargo" in Cuban forums and went back almost 5 years of threads without seeing a topic that addressed price effect on Cuban cigars post embargo. If I missed it I apologize.

The owner o the site didn't have a problem discussing this yet you and Bill do for some reason. I won't ask any more questions without your permission.

Please close thread.

Where did I say I had a problem with you discussing anything? You're free to discuss anything you want to.

Gonz is correct, this topic has come up before. I do remember many other people commenting on how it would effect prices. I'm horrible at using the search function so unfortunately, I can't offer any assistance in that regard.
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Kujo, if your search skills are so piss poor that you couldn't click on the word Search at the top of the page and come up with any results then you truly are a failure, and perhaps it would be best that you not post anything without at least asking someone's permission. It does not necessarily have to be me.
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Kujo, if your search skills are so piss poor that you couldn't click on the word Search at the top of the page and come up with any results then you truly are a failure, and perhaps it would be best that you not post anything without at least asking someone's permission. It does not necessarily have to be me.

A failure at what, search? I don't get it. Kuso's comments should have been less snarky. Regardless, we should all do our best to remain civil.

In some sense, I'm at fault for involving myself in a discussion that we've had multiple times before but a few other people made that mistake as well.


edited. typo. switched words.
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Kujo, if your search skills are so piss poor that you couldn't click on the word Search at the top of the page and come up with any results then you truly are a failure, and perhaps it would be best that you not post anything without at least asking someone's permission. It does not necessarily have to be me.

While I do agree that the read more, post less mantra should be followed at all times, it is going a bit far calling this guy a 'failure' mate. We got a whole world of anti-smoking enemies to confront, lets not turn on each other so easily.
It would be chaos at first; you'd have everyone including the anti smoking nazi's wanting to purchase Cuban cigars - novelty only. After a few years the novelty will wear off, and the sales and production will normalize back to how they were during the embargo.
I think Rod hit the nail on the head but he forgot one factor - fakes / counterfeits.

If the embargo were to go away, I think at first everyone and their dog would "want to try a Cuban" and the demand will skyrocket. Prices will go absurdly high as the demand would at least initially far outstrip the supply. My fear is that in an effort to keep up, the quality of Habanos may take a beating for a year or two.

During this time of scarce availability and unnaturally inflated prices, the market will be primed and ripe for counterfeits. Folks that have no cigar knowledge will the type that will want to "try a Cuban" and as such, won't have even considered that they are prime targets for counterfeit smokes. They not only won't know enough to know what they are smoking, it won't have even occurred to them that this is a possibility.

What will happen to the NC brands that have Cuban counterparts will be interesting. I wonder what will happen to brands like Cohiba, H.Upmann, Montecristo, Punch, etc. once you can by the "real deal" in this country.

Long and short of it is that it will be a real mess for guys like us in the short term. Stock those cabinets, gentlemen.

Regards - B.B.S.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Altadis and General Cigar own the rights to import cigars with these brand names? I really doubt they would just stand aside and allow Cuba to import these brands into this country. I think that unless the Cuban government agreed to use Altadis and General Cigar as middle men in the importation process (which, of course would add additional cost to the product), they would create a legal nightmare that could take a couple of years for the courts to sort out.
It would be chaos at first; you'd have everyone including the anti smoking nazi's wanting to purchase Cuban cigars - novelty only. After a few years the novelty will wear off, and the sales and production will normalize back to how they were during the embargo.
I think Rod hit the nail on the head but he forgot one factor - fakes / counterfeits.

If the embargo were to go away, I think at first everyone and their dog would "want to try a Cuban" and the demand will skyrocket. Prices will go absurdly high as the demand would at least initially far outstrip the supply. My fear is that in an effort to keep up, the quality of Habanos may take a beating for a year or two.

During this time of scarce availability and unnaturally inflated prices, the market will be primed and ripe for counterfeits. Folks that have no cigar knowledge will the type that will want to "try a Cuban" and as such, won't have even considered that they are prime targets for counterfeit smokes. They not only won't know enough to know what they are smoking, it won't have even occurred to them that this is a possibility.

What will happen to the NC brands that have Cuban counterparts will be interesting. I wonder what will happen to brands like Cohiba, H.Upmann, Montecristo, Punch, etc. once you can by the "real deal" in this country.

Long and short of it is that it will be a real mess for guys like us in the short term. Stock those cabinets, gentlemen.

Regards - B.B.S.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Altadis and General Cigar own the rights to import cigars with these brand names? I really doubt they would just stand aside and allow Cuba to import these brands into this country. I think that unless the Cuban government agreed to use Altadis and General Cigar as middle men in the importation process (which, of course would add additional cost to the product), they would create a legal nightmare that could take a couple of years for the courts to sort out.

From what I understand, Altadis owns 50% of Habanos S.A., so there wouldn't be much issue there. As far as General Tobacco, that's really quite the tossup.
Hey Kujo, do you think that maybe, just maybe, this topic has been discussed before? Thanks for being the 148th person to ask this question and start the discussion again.

Next time, try using the search function.

Kujo, if your search skills are so piss poor that you couldn't click on the word Search at the top of the page and come up with any results then you truly are a failure, and perhaps it would be best that you not post anything without at least asking someone's permission. It does not necessarily have to be me.

What does calling him a failure really add to anything, except negativity? In light of this issue being brought up again, I do, however, feel that a discussion over a topic like this will be affected over time based on different opinions and occurrences that may develop and happen since the last time these were discussed. Seeing as it is not in the best forum etiquette to dig up old threads, topics like this should come up often, and that new threads are necessary. Often times questions are asked that have the same answer, which will require one to use the search function. However, the opinions to this question can change with the flip of a coin, seeing as there is not one set way this will happen, and that there are multiple means to an end. I do not feel KusoJiji was in the wrong to start another topic like this one and for a few reasons. Let me explain.

The last time this issue was discussed, the new president had not been chosen. Both Obama and McCain had different viewpoints on the embargo. Now that we know Obama will be taking office, there is a greater chance of the embargo being lifted than there was otherwise. However, there is no possible way this could have been discussed in the other threads. This has a HUGE bearing on this issue, and though it may not be discussed directly, it brings new issues into light in the matter.

Secondly, the economic state of the country is up and down, and when and if the embargo gets lifted...there may not be as huge a demand as people anticipate. Seeing as our economy is ever changing, never at one point and time can one really anticipate how much demand will rise. The reason being that there are still the people who won't smoke, and the spending of excess funds for some that were hit negatively by the market may prevent many individuals from purchasing "luxury" items.

That being said, I feel it appropriate and absolutely necessary that once again this topic have light shed on it, as there have been many economic issues, and many other items/ issues that have played into the ever changing development on this issue...developments that our discussions in the past were not aware of.
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Altadis and General Cigar own the rights to import cigars with these brand names? I really doubt they would just stand aside and allow Cuba to import these brands into this country. I think that unless the Cuban government agreed to use Altadis and General Cigar as middle men in the importation process (which, of course would add additional cost to the product), they would create a legal nightmare that could take a couple of years for the courts to sort out.

From what I understand, Altadis owns 50% of Habanos S.A., so there wouldn't be much issue there. As far as General Tobacco, that's really quite the tossup.

I've had a few discussions with our Altadis representative, and he doesn't see there being an issue with Altadis distributing the Habanos in the US. Seeing as they already distribute RyJ, H. Uppmann, etc... I don't anticipate any legal hold-ups with Altadis. General, I've never dealt with...so I'm quite unsure of.
I don't think the fact that there is a new president has much to do with the possibility of any changes in the Trading With the Enemy Act. How many different US presidents have we had since this was first put into effect under John Kennedy?

I share Gonz's sentiments, this subject has been talked to death.

And don't blame Gonz for taking issue with the thread originator's inability to keep things civil. When someone gets snarky and has a case of the a$$, they're usually going to be told that by someone else. Gonz has responded, it's now up to kuso NOT to continue to antagonize him.
I don't think the fact that there is a new president has much to do with the possibility of any changes in the Trading With the Enemy Act. How many different US presidents have we had since this was first put into effect under John Kennedy?

According to different sources, There may be some progress being made with the new administration...here is a couple links.

Havana Journal

North Jersey News

While it's only speculating, there may be something at work here...I guess we will have to wait and see however. One thing to note though, is that these articles, and many others have both been published since the last time this topic was discussed.

edit: to add.
With respect to the Havana Journal article, Richardson is OUT as Commerce Secretary :laugh: (due to his alleged "pay for play" scumbaggery a la Rod Blagojevich :rolleyes: ) and Hilary Clinton's line reflects exactly what the situation is:
she would respond positively to Cuban actions showing a willingness to change.
which means the ball is in THEIR court and like I said, I don't see their Communist government (who hates us) changing their tune anytime soon.

Regarding the second article you referenced, Obamma said he'd like to see people be able to visit their relatives and send them money but NO WHERE do I see any indication that he's going to try to do away with the Trading With the Enemy Act. The article even states this:
he has said he favors the embargo as a means of pressuring the Cuban government to take steps toward reform, such as releasing political prisoners.

So until the Cuban Communist/Dictatorship continues to violate basic human rights, the "embargo" is staying in place. If the the Act is lifted, we have no leverage at all to urge them to do what's right.
Why are our rules blatantly being ignored?

Topics are often re-discussed. I'd rather see topics recreated that actually have something to do with cigars, than some of the off-the-wall stuff that goes on in the lobby.

Gonz - Calling someone a "failure" or responding in a rude manner is unnecessary and presents a poor image of this community.

Seems everyone is becoming increasingly touchy these days. Enjoy this site for what it offers - everyone needs to relax on trying to run things how they see fit.

This thread is now closed since it's gone political.

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Kujo, if your search skills are so piss poor that you couldn't click on the word Search at the top of the page and come up with any results then you truly are a failure, and perhaps it would be best that you not post anything without at least asking someone's permission. It does not necessarily have to be me.
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