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I want to get a smoking jacket

Roseysman said:
nahhh go for the beaver top hat and monocle with a nice pair of tails
and maybe some spats will drive all the girlies wild !
Oook kind alike the guy from the Monopoly board game?

Man these would make some seriously great halloween costumes. You could smoke cigars "in character."

Only NINE hours left, I'm gonna set my alarm and drop that last minute bid and buy me a SMOKIN JACKET!!! ;)
Lumberg said:
...and maybe a captain's hat, a silk scarf, and deck shoes with no socks :o
Please do find this, and then post pics...........

Yo Lumberg, after you get your smoking jacket... you simply must acquire one of those small yappy dogs with a little pink bow on its head, a close personal friend named Charles who dresses impecably, has a keen eye for color coordination, is an interior decorator and who stays over at your house too often for vigorous games of Backgammon. The addition of several large bottles of cologne for bathing should complete your transformation.


NA :sign:
Dang it!!

Somebody came along and put in another bid. This thing is getting awfully pricey but hey, it's only money!!

I think I'll just get a bathrobe instead.


You need SILK, retro SMOKING JACKET!!

Personally, I think that gold one (the first one posted) is the best deal going. It's silk and in good shape!!

In my case, it's my EXACT size 42" :) woooooooooHOOOO :thumbs:

I'll be bidding in the last few minutes,........yeeeeeeHA :love:

CC . . . when you get the jacket, we expect you to post a pic RIGHT HERE.

In fact, the pic can be your new Avatar! Now that would be too cool! ! !

GOOD LUCK! ! ! !
GuyanaBoy said:
CC . . . when you get the jacket, we expect you to post a pic RIGHT HERE.

In fact, the pic can be your new Avatar! Now that would be too cool! ! !

GOOD LUCK! ! ! !
^ what he said
Hey Lumberg...Don't whip out now... you started this whole thing...

You've got to follow through....Didn't know you had an interior decorator staying at your place...I'll pass on the house visit.

CC: Good Luck man... If you don't want a used one I know a chinaman in town who can make you a nice one....

mmm, Avatar so that's how you get those great pics...cool beans...thanks guys..
Yeah well you have a live-in interior decorator too!

And I'm not even going to talk about the cakes that were on your kitchen counter!

Eh, I might check out some thrift shops for smokign jackets. But I think a bathrobe would be warmer.

I missed the end of the auction!!

And I coulda had it for a mere $140.55!!

Oh well, as my father always used to say "There'll ALWAYS be another streetcar coming..."

Gunpowder has the BEST idea yet!! As a matter of fact, I just bought my FAVORITE suit at my local Salvation Army for $7.50. You can find some great deals there. Lots of people buy clothes, NEVER wear them and when they pass away, their next-of-kin loads up the "Donate your clothes here" boxes with all that stuff! ;)

Another trick I learned, go to Salvation Army/Goodwill/Thrift Shops IN EXPENSIVE TOWNS!!! When I get some time, I plan on going down to Fairfield County in Connecticut and doing just that. THAT'S where I can get my smoking jacket!!!
I'm with you CC86. I think a smoking jacket would be too smooth. It would really go great with sitting in my garage in front of a propane heater watching my 5" b/w TV. :D I'm still waiting for Hef to return my call. ???
LOL @ BigSlimJunior. I was mentioning to someone earlier today about getting a smoking jacket and this person said "You don't have the environment for it."
Well, okay yeah, but ya gotta start somewhere!!!

Lumby made a good point:
I think I'll just get a bathrobe instead.

I think I'll just stick to sitting around in my UCONN or Penn State or University of Florida sweatshirt :D
CC Sorry U lost the Bid...I was looking forward to seeing u in it.

As far as the environment is concerned...which came first the chicken or the egg?

Great ideas on shopping... :)

Guess where your xmas present is coming from Lumberg... :D

Kitchen table...what kitchen table? :sign: :sign: :sign: