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I purchased a new humidor

Well, all I have left to do is order a humidifier for this baby. I've called arournd and I think I'm going with the Cigar Oasis II XL. Atlantic Cigar has it on sale right now for $175 which includes shipping and they even throw in a free ten cigar assortment :D . It was either the CO II XL or the MOIST-N-AIRE and I flipped a virtual coin and picked the CO II XL. I'll let you all know how it works after I set everything up........ :) :thumbs: :cool:


Oh yeah, I'm definitely going to unpack this baby when the truck gets here and go over it with a fine tooth comb prior to signning for it!!!!

Editted to add link to Atlantic Cigar humidifiers.
That is soo nice!!! If this hobby continues like it has been, I can see something like this in my future!

Happy B-day!