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I never thought this day would come

I have The Connoisseur, and its reached its limit. I can't fit any more boxes in it. I might be able to add 10-15 more singles, but that's it!

I think I'm done buying cigars for a while.
:sign: At the beginning of January I had a 15 gallon tupperdor. At the beginning of February I had 48qt cooler. By the beginning of March, my second 48qt is totally full. Nobody send me any sticks cuz I ain't got a place to put them :D

15 gallon tupperdor? Wholey shit, that's a lot of left overs!
In November 2005, I received my first POS Thompson 25ct. In January, my wife bought me a 150ct off eBay. In Feb, I converted the box thingie with a window lid - holds 4 boxes. My son works for Bass Pro Shops. I'll be having him pick up a Coleman 100qt for me (at the employee discount). At this rate, I'm guessing on a 10 x 10 walk in by the end of the year!
but I had to go buy a coolidor!! what the hell have you guys got me into!! Going from a 300ct humi to a 50 some odd quart cooler!!!! at any rate, i hope this thing doesn't fill up as fast as the 300ct!
Cannot be that poor of a college student :angry2: :angry: :angry2: :whistling: