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I Like ilikefishes


Where did all my money go?
Jan 25, 2007
I PM'd Kendall a month or so ago to see if I could send him some money, or arrange a trade for some beer I was looking for his way.

SOB bombed me with a generous package of just what I was looking for. :0

Thanks brother! Much appreciated, and I hope I can return the generosity in some way.
Damn good play on a great BOTL, sir!
Since we are on the topic...

Kendall has also stepped up and helped 2 more brothers this week with a certain box hunt. He noticed a conversation between me and another member here, and wouldn't you know, a PM in my inbox. It was from Kendall saying that if we were interested in still purchasing a box, that he would graciously offer his "extra" for a very, very thoughtful price. I was ecstatic and agreed. Hrs later he had sent me a DC# and a very thoughtful message. All before I could really take in what was happening or even make it to my bank. Thanks for pulling through for some fellow members and putting your trust in me. You are very kind and a true BOTL!

Nice play with the Beer BomB !
All I can say is this is true class that distinquishes the members of this board. Nice play.
Kendall is a good dude, been looking out for me lately. Need to get together one of these days.
Nice way to help another brother out. For me, this is what make this community great.
I'll agree with that. The K-man has made several unsolicited offers to help me out with my Stone beer withdrawls. He is like Santa Claus on 364 other days!
Since we are on the topic...

Kendall has also stepped up and helped 2 more brothers this week with a certain box hunt. He noticed a conversation between me and another member here, and wouldn't you know, a PM in my inbox. It was from Kendall saying that if we were interested in still purchasing a box, that he would graciously offer his "extra" for a very, very thoughtful price. I was ecstatic and agreed. Hrs later he had sent me a DC# and a very thoughtful message. All before I could really take in what was happening or even make it to my bank. Thanks for pulling through for some fellow members and putting your trust in me. You are very kind and a true BOTL!

Nice play with the Beer BomB !

I am the other member and I'm very grateful for this opportunity to cross another one off the wishlist without breaking the bank. This is one of the nicest unprovoked gestures I've gotten to experience. ilikefishes, you are one hell of a great BOTL. Thank you Kendall!
Brothers were in need, someone needed to step up. Glad I was able to help engspot.

Like it has been said before, this board is unlike any other I have been on. Truly a special place and I am just happy to be part of your community.