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I just figure out why some people are...

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"I just figure out why some people are..., ...a little more "caustic" then others"

Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with this sentence??

Bill, you're slippin' bud! LOL :laugh:
Yeah, it was discussed a few pages back. I guess his manager at Burger King forgot to spell check his posts.
DaveWF said:
Now hold on a second... I never named ANY names in this post. YOU are making the assumption here. If certain members think this may be specifically about them, then maybe they should take it to heart - but I never said this post was about Leebo (only bringing up his name because ricmac already did - personally I think Leebo is a stand-up individual above reproach). Perhaps the people complaining here should take a second and step back for a bit.
I found a funny picture and thought I would share it with the crowd here - nothing more.
Whatever you read into it is just that, YOU reading into it.

Sheesh - you people have no sense of humor,

I wonder if you type stuff like this long enough it actually becomes true in your mind?
DaveWF said:
personally I think Leebo is a stand-up individual above reproach. 

Yeah, I think he was also on crack. Who the hell thinks Leebo is a stand up guy? :p
Damn, I get home, pour some bookers, snip a '97 inmensa, kick back and ready to have an entertaining time with this thread.........
and they've taken thier pseudo balls and gone home. :angry:
:0 Does anyone else smell Davey Roast? :0

Somebody call the caterer, this roast is too flabby, and way way over barbecued :whistling:

Stick Davey with a fork, I would say he is done here. ???

Dave> I was still holding out hope that you might turn this around and eventually fit in. As usual, I judged wrong again. I recomended that you don't even respond, just turn around and walk away.

CC> I love ya bro, but you jacked the juice outta this thread, shame on you dude.(insert that other smiley we don't have here)
coventrycat86 said:
When Neal posts funny crap like that or gives just about anyone around here a hard time remeber, THIS IS JUST THE INTERNET it's nothing personal.

remeber? :rolleyes: :p

WTG Kenny!! LMAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I'm sittin' here tryin' to have some dinner, my patience is tried at best, because I have been up for the last 30+ hours, and I tune into CP and see this BULL$HIT!!!! :angry:

I don't have a witty response for Davey, nor can I keep up with the vernacular of a few here, however, in a plain-spoken plea to the masses, I say this.....

.....when you see a topic authored by Davey, I recommend NO ONE view the thing! And, no one post to it either. When his topics receive no audience, maybe he'll quit. :angry:

I doubt it, however, we'll give him the opportunity to continue to show his @$$ in other topics he snipes!!

I don't post often enough to waste my time with this amateurish, "LOOK AT ME, I'M STILL HERE" bait! However, today I am in the right frame of mind to add my .02 cents. Davey, I TRULY feel sorry for you. You are a sad, sorry individual. Go away and have a successful life, ELSEWHERE!!!! :0

Floyd T. :angry:
So whataya think happened to that grasping little bitch davey?
Floyd, Floyd, Floyd. Tsk.

Lots of anon viewing in here this evening though...... :laugh:
Kinda reminds me of the movie "Warriors"..........

Wait a minute! Can you hear it? I think I can.......

Warriorsssssssssssssssssssss, come out to playeeeeyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I thought I'd get in my .02 since this one is going to be locked up and serve as an example for future whining little scumbag pieces of ****

Now Dave, if you just read that sentence and thought I was calling YOU a whining little scumbag piece of ****, you're just reading into it. I never said YOU were a whining little scumbag piece of ****. I was just saying that in the event that CP gets any whining little scumbag pieces of ****, they'll be directed to this thread. If you did think I was referring to you, maybe you should take it to heart (I believe that is your own advice). Geez Dave you need a sense of humor!

Dave you said yourself that everone's opinon carries the same weight. Well, maybe yours carries a little more because you're the spokesman for all those guys who keep PMing you their support.

1 request was made to see your iPod photos and you complied. Why is that?

9,456,243,972 requests were made that you be banned/go away/get a clue. What am I thinking?....those should all be ignored becasue they were made by ever-fashionable card-carrying members of the Hate-Monger Society.

It's contest time folks:

You guys know I'm good for it. :thumbs: Unlike some people on this board I send out contest prizes. Again, Dave everyone believes your word that you sent cigars to IBrief, Moki, and me. If you thought I was refering to you....:(

PRIZE: I will send out (seriously, this is stuff I have in my cooler)
(1) Opus X A in coffin
(1) BTL
(1) RyJ EL 2003
(1) HdM EL 2003
(5) aged xXx's
(2) Lusis
(5) Monte 5's
(2) Anejos
(4) Boli PC
(10) LPH Black Pearls

ELIGIBILITY: All CP members. Dave you and those 300 guys who PM you support ARE eligible :)

CONTEST: The first person who can make a compelling argument that Dave is an actual benefit to CP wins. That's it. Simple, right? Good luck :)

RULES: "Entertainment value" is not a compelling argument. I could be entertaining on a board about traveling professional tightrope walkers, but have no insight to contribute (wait that sounds familiar).

Allofus123 said:
coventrycat86 said:
When Neal posts funny crap like that or gives just about anyone around here a hard time remeber, THIS IS JUST THE INTERNET it's nothing personal.

remeber? :rolleyes: :p

Reading this and other Dave posts keeps me from beating the dog; I can live vicariously through you folks beating up on Dave.

A dog’s happiness is in your hands. :0 :rolleyes:

Do I win?

dixieland_conjunction said:
CONTEST: The first person who can make a compelling argument that Dave is an actual benefit to CP wins. That's it. Simple, right? Good luck :)

RULES: "Entertainment value" is not a compelling argument. I could be entertaining on a board about traveling professional tightrope walkers, but have no insight to contribute (wait that sounds familiar).

dixieland_conjunction said:
ELIGIBILITY: All CP members. Dave you and those 300 guys who PM you support ARE eligible :)

CONTEST: The first person who can make a compelling argument that Dave is an actual benefit to CP wins. That's it. Simple, right? Good luck :)

RULES: "Entertainment value" is not a compelling argument. I could be entertaining on a board about traveling professional tightrope walkers, but have no insight to contribute (wait that sounds familiar).

Everything in life needs a reference point. We would not know something was big unless we had something else to compare it to that was small in relation. We would not know someone as evil, unless there was good to compare it to; and vice versa. Its all about relativity. It is the only way we can experience life. How boring life would be if everyone were the same? We need people that are different from us to help us experience who and what we are. Without a reference point we would just be living things floating through space and time but not experiencing anything.

I say Dave is a benefit because he allows us to learn from non-examples of how to be a good BOTL. As a teacher one of the most useful tools is the use of non-examples. Because Dave is a non-example, we are able to see what it truly means to be a BOTL. Without someone like him to compare to, how would we really know what a BOTL was?
Sorry I wasn't able to get back to CP last night everyone - I've just been too busy.

In regards to why I haven't been posting... Rod made it clear that he doesn't ban members, "they ban themselves" - well do you really think I'll feed into everyone egging me on and feeding me more rope? By Rod's post, it seems clear that I apprently have not done enough to be banned - I prefer to leave it that way. You won't see anymore "bad posts" out of me. :D

As far as the contest, sure - I'll play along.... I am a benefit to CP because, without me, two members here would either not currently be able to post, or would have spent much more money on their computer and have had less to spend on their cigars. I may not currently smoke cigars, but I help others to be able to smoke more & better cigars and maintain their membership here. ;)
Obviously, it would not be OK to post my clients names here publicly (you can easily find them here with a few searches, I'm sure), however, if you need me to, I'll PM them privately and ask if it's ok for me to share their names privately with you Dixie.

Thanks for this great contest. I have a few buddies that would do a back-flip and a double-take when I present them with some of those cigars!

Dave :D :D :D
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