I don't know what's going on lately...

I haven't seen this much love since the last time I watched "Forest Pump" on the Spice channel! :laugh: :laugh:
Yeah Joey, but I don't think this is news to anyone.

I am so disappointed in the direction this thread has taken. I thought there would have been more of a struggle.

coventrycat86 said:
I1. Creating a public disturbance (an infraction in Connecticut)
2. Breach of Peace (a misdemeanor in Connecticut)
3. Inciting a riot (a more serious misdemeanor)
4. Rioting (a felony)

So is pounding your pud while watching the metermaid ticket your car for being parked too long outside of Boys Town, but it doesn't stop you.
Well said George. I been here awhile now, and as one can tell by post count, never have been a man of many words. Not that I ever have been one to give a sh*t about post county anway, unlike some others here who think that gives them a rite of passage or something. Figured quality always prevails over quantity, something your post points out well. Amen.
I think Bill and I just got poked with a stick :0
SamClemmons said:
Yeah Joey, but I don't think this is news to anyone.

I am so disappointed in the direction this thread has taken. I thought there would have been more of a struggle.


I agree, come on guys keep up the good fight otherwise Im an asshat too!
Lee said:
Orange has been running off at the mouth since he registered....wannabe
Bwahaha... Lee, coming from you that is really funny. Not that I am putting you in the line up with the other mug shots in this post. Just that it is very humorous coming from a man with your post count and knack for taking out the trash


Post Script - People reading this, don't read into it. Lee is a fine BOTL that I have had the pleasure of sharing a cigar and a drink on a few ocassions.
Honestly, the man Orange said he'd go private or public with this. He did say he was going to stick to "less contraversial" topics and such. While I know this isn't adressing the past grievences, he at least isn't ducking the punches. Everyone has their own point of view. So perhaps since he is taking his licks like a man, we should make sure to listen with a open mind.

In no way am I defending him, but at least he is not ducking out like some of the other a$$ clowns.

AVB said:
I think Bill and I just got poked with a stick :0

Oooooooooo, I was hoping it was YOUR "stick" big fella :love:
Can I send Matt instead? :blush:

coventrycat86 said:
AVB said:
I think Bill and I just got poked with a stick :0

Oooooooooo, I was hoping it was YOUR "stick" big fella :love:
coventrycat86 said:
Matt's got BIG sticks from what I hear! :0

Um, I am not sure I like the new direction this thread is going in, can we just get back to ragging on people for exercising their freedom of speech? And whats up with this posse thing I keep hearing about? Is there somewhere to sign up, or is it by invitation only? :sign: :laugh: :sign: :laugh:
emodx said:
Honestly, the man Orange said he'd go private or public with this. He did say he was going to stick to "less contraversial" topics and such. While I know this isn't adressing the past grievences, he at least isn't ducking the punches. Everyone has their own point of view. So perhaps since he is taking his licks like a man, we should make sure to listen with a open mind.

In no way am I defending him, but at least he is not ducking out like some of the other a$$ clowns.


I hope you're right, Emo.... Time will certainly tell...
Baron Porthos said:
All I know for sure George is the bears still suck. I'll pay you sunday.

I got this one George. :D

Lee said:
It's still snowing..... :D

Here too. And the Bears do suck. :sign: Just kiddin' George - they are doing better than the fuggin' Eagles.
mrjinglesusa said:
Lee said:
It's still snowing..... :D

Here too. And the Bears do suck. :sign: Just kiddin' George - they are doing better than the fuggin' Eagles.

Jim you also are a BLASPHEMER!!! :p