You see rob, if no one else is going to say it, I guess I will, the problem with you is this; you have been here what about 7 months now, and you still don’t “get it”! By now you should have gotten it, after the ashtray scandal you should have got it, That’s when I did. It took me 14 pages of reading that crap to figure it out, you were there in the middle of it, posting, and you still didn’t “get it”!
I’ll help you out a little bit. First off, it has nothing to do with a f**king ashtray, who gives a sh*t about an ashtray, it has to do with the fact cvmfour put that whole box split together to get an ashtray, without being up front about his intentions.
That in and of itself is everything this board is against. We are not here to take advantage of newbies, or each other. We are not here to get free cigars out of each other,...... well that one could be debated :whistling: . We are not here to take “things” from each other. We are here to take knowledge, belief, and most importantly TRUST from each other!
We are here to GIVE to each other. We are here to help one another get the most out of what we all enjoy!!!!!
This site is about GIVING and not about receiving.
I have had more fun over the past week or two trying to put together the best Secret Santa package I could come up with. Now, to tell you the truth, I could care less what I get from mine (side note-- this is no excuse not to send me one though

). But, when we get down to it that is what this site is all about.
We are here to give each other the best we can. We are all here to help each other learn, share, and enjoy each others company. If someone is down, we help them up. If someone is up, we help keep them up—or at least bring them down to our level

. Is any of this getting through?
Now, the downside of this happy go lucky site, are the ---I’ll just call them the “Others”. The ones that want to try and take us for everything and more. The ones that don’t “get it”, and are in this for “I” and “I” alone. The ones that want to make a buck, cigar, or ashtray off of us. If we just sat back and let them have there way, they would suck us all dry, and then what would we be left with? Where would the Trust be? The site would be dead, or maybe just like all the rest. That’s not what I want, and I will stand up and fight to keep it the way it is!
So, unfortunately, we have to have folks that have been here awhile, and like it the way it is, keep it the way it is, and weed out all the “Others”.
Because all people like you would do is just get up and say, “I quit!”
I may not get it all, but at least I get more than you do, which isn’t saying much….but I’ve only been here about 3 months now.
Sorry man, you lost all my Respect and Trust.
Go somewhere else, or “GET IT” Fast, and hide.
What is this place evolving into?
Not evolving into anything! We just have too many "Others" and it time to clean house!