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I don't know what's going on lately...

indyrob said:
Viva la Revolution!!

I do appreciate all forms of cynical crap but don't dig on the presumptious assertion of my opinions in your post...atleast not until I make them DblG...
Before I go ahead and post this, I'm trying to figure out if you're trying to ferret out another flame or not.

As far as appreciating anything that's put into the threads here as well as the others, it is freedom of speech. I do value the right to say what I want, when I want and how I want. The whole policing verbage that you love so much does go to prove the point that even that constitutional right comes under fire here...and you freely admit that you would follow WURM aroud and make his life miserable because of something that he keyed in. If that's ok for you to say, what makes it any different from somebody else posting his dismal opinions here at CP?

Not everybody is cool enough to be one of the regulars, not all of us have the time and resources to post funk about Indyrob in everythread permissable, or has the unabridged I-Rob report on hand to make the cool quotes that you use...but we try.

It is definitely freedom of speech, robbie... However, you can't get upset when you dress up like a clown and people start to call you Bozo... ;)
Dude, you're crashing and burning here. If you have any interest in spending any more time at this site, and enjoying it, you should probably just stop digging, apologize, and go into hiding for awhile. I'm not trying to jump on the bandwagon, this is for your own good.
indyrob said:
I had to go and re-read your initial post to this thread to make sure that I didn't miss something. Is it or is it not okay to say something bad about somebody?

I think you did miss something... :rolleyes:
I think there's plenty of proof here why the reason for the original post by GG is valid.
Gonz said:
Dude, you're crashing and burning here. If you have any interest in spending any more time at this site, and enjoying it, you should probably just stop digging, apologize, and go into hiding for awhile. I'm not trying to jump on the bandwagon, this is for your own good.

Apoligize for what? Georges OCD over me? I took a bullet defending my right to free speech and I'm not about to let somebody get me to roll over because he objects to what I have said or have to say. I haven't slighted anybody except for those who troll the threads making inflamitory comments about other members who haven't made any serious comments to attract such attention.

I found a link regarding a post I made in a thread about somebody else GG is lynching. Now I'm not going to mention anything about character assasianation or nothing, but Day-um! How cool is it to walk into a thread and find someone posting crap about you?

This is the samething that GG is outing Wurm for. Witch hunts can't be lead by witches...no matter how noble thier intentions are.

Hiding? Why? That's what makes it all the better to post crap about someone w/o fear of reprisal.

Someone mentioned something about impugnity. I know it wasn't George, even though he sports it well.

I figure the spacing makes it easier for georgie boy to quote.
indyrob said:
Gonz said:
Dude, you're crashing and burning here. If you have any interest in spending any more time at this site, and enjoying it, you should probably just stop digging, apologize, and go into hiding for awhile. I'm not trying to jump on the bandwagon, this is for your own good.

Apoligize for what? Georges OCD over me? I took a bullet defending my right to free speech and I'm not about to let somebody get me to roll over because he objects to what I have said or have to say. I haven't slighted anybody except for those who troll the threads making inflamitory comments about other members who haven't made any serious comments to attract such attention.

I found a link regarding a post I made in a thread about somebody else GG is lynching. Now I'm not going to mention anything about character assasianation or nothing, but Day-um! How cool is it to walk into a thread and find someone posting crap about you?

This is the samething that GG is outing Wurm for. Witch hunts can't be lead by witches...no matter how noble thier intentions are.

Hiding? Why? That's what makes it all the better to post crap about someone w/o fear of reprisal.

Someone mentioned something about impugnity. I know it wasn't George, even though he sports it well.

I figure the spacing makes it easier for georgie boy to quote.

ggiese said:


This goes well with this:
I'm not liking this new attitude coming into CP, openly expressing the way they don't like things being done the way they are - playing like they're some kind of "new" arbitrator on the board. These members think they've got all kinds of support and refuse to back down when they're taking the board to task. This "I don't care what your start date, or what your post count is - I don't like <insert what they don't like here>..." crap is getting old.

You've been here 6 months and a day longer than I have.
indyrob said:
This goes well with this:
I'm not liking this new attitude coming into CP, openly expressing the way they don't like things being done the way they are - playing like they're some kind of "new" arbitrator on the board. These members think they've got all kinds of support and refuse to back down when they're taking the board to task. This "I don't care what your start date, or what your post count is - I don't like <insert what they don't like here>..." crap is getting old.

You've been here 6 months and a day longer than I have.

There it is!!! :thumbs: now tell us what you don't like...
indyrob, why do you even bother? On cvmfour's thread you stated you were "done" and how you were pulling out of a "cigar pass" because of this board's treatment towards you and its methodology.

Why don't you just LEAVE like you said you would? You're acting like nothing but a DRAMA queen here. Guys like you are nothing but a dime a dozen and seem to be coming out of the woodwork once a week it seems...:laugh:

George has rationally and logically layed out his reasoning towards you. Looks pretty sound to me, what are you NOT getting here? Do you see anyone agreeing with you? I don't. If you're SO IN THE RIGHT and have such VALID points, where are those people to defend you? Maybe this should be a WAKE UP CALL to get your head on straight.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and pulling guy's like "wurm" to solidfy your case against your piss poor attitude on this forum. I love it when people like you who think you're such a "victim" bring other so-called "victims" to make your case and yourself more confident. Pathetic if you ask me.

I think you need to take some time to think what's been presented to you and a little LESS TIME acting so defensive and emotionally charged.
Your point would be...???

I think your trolling started way before your 6 month point. Regardless of what I have to say, I don't understand what makes you type out a post saying that you have concern for the state of the board, yet your comments to me seem to betray the sentiment of your rather poignant opening statement.

At what point is it okay to turn tables and become what you are trying to oust?
godfather said:
indyrob, why do you even bother? On cvmfour's thread you stated you were "done" and how you were pulling out of a "cigar pass" because of this board's treatment towards you and its methodology.

Why don't you just LEAVE like you said you would? You're acting like nothing but a DRAMA queen here. Guys like you are nothing but a dime a dozen and seem to be coming out of the woodwork once a week it seems...:laugh:

George has rationally and logically layed out his reasoning towards you. Looks pretty sound to me, what are you NOT getting here? Do you see anyone agreeing with you? I don't. If you're SO IN THE RIGHT and have such VALID points, where are those people to defend you? Maybe this should be a WAKE UP CALL to get your head on straight.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and pulling guy's like "wurm" to solidfy your case against your piss poor attitude on this forum. I love it when people like you who think you're such a "victim" bring other so-called "victims" to make your case and yourself more confident. Pathetic if you ask me.

I think you need to take some time to think what's been presented to you and a little LESS TIME acting so defensive and emotionally charged.

Did you even read anything I posted before you punched out that little diatribe there bubba?

I don't feel victimized by the board. I don't think that debate is drama. I don't feel sorry for myself, but I do empathise with the little guys like you who want to jump in with out thier floaties on.
I'm going out on a limb here, but Godfather, you've only been here since September, and although you make some valid points you're not exactly old school or experienced. Unless this is a new account for you, and you've actually been posting here for years. In fact, in George's first post when he mentioned the people who are "playing like they're some kind of "new" arbitrator on the board" you are one of folks I thought of.

Statements like this "Guys like you are nothing but a dime a dozen and seem to be coming out of the woodwork once a week it seems..." might hold a little more weight given a longer amount of time to collect data.

Don't worry about posting that I'm not a FOG and I don't have alot of time under my belt as well. I'm aware of that fact, I'm just trying to remind you as well.
Gonz said:
I'm going out on a limb here, but Godfather, you've only been here since September, and although you make some valid points you're not exactly old school or experienced. Unless this is a new account for you, and you've actually been posting here for years. In fact, in George's first post when he mentioned the people who are "playing like they're some kind of "new" arbitrator on the board" you are one of folks I thought of.

Statements like this "Guys like you are nothing but a dime a dozen and seem to be coming out of the woodwork once a week it seems..." might hold a little more weight given a longer amount of time to collect data.

Don't worry about posting that I'm not a FOG and I don't have alot of time under my belt as well. I'm aware of that fact, I'm just trying to remind you as well.

I'm just a dumb ass newb. but I believe what Godfather is trying to say, and what I'm thinking everytime indyrob posts,
I see perfectly what this board is made of.

I was going to post something brilliant...but why bother.

I am done.

Whats left to talk about.

Hey rob grow some and practice what you preach!
gonz said:
In fact, in George's first post when he mentioned the people who are "playing like they're some kind of "new" arbitrator on the board" you are one of folks I thought of.

That's a pretty ignorant statement gonz and I respectfully disagree. When have I ever "played arbitrator" and was RIGHTFULLY wrong for doing so? Please tell me now, otherwise you are incorrect in that assumption.

In the case of George's post, I agree with him and will let it be known. I didn't realize I needed to be a FOG to make such statements. George is a friend of mine and that's what FRIENDS do. My experience shouldn't dictate that I sit back and keep quiet while this goes on. You'd do this for YOUR friends wouldn't you? I'd sure hope so.

gonz said:
Statements like this "Guys like you are nothing but a dime a dozen and seem to be coming out of the woodwork once a week it seems..." might hold a little more weight given a longer amount of time to collect data.

Anyone who posts "I QUIT" and I've "pulled out of a pass" is a dime a dozen in my eyes. I have no RESPECT for quitters that have a hissy fit and want to up and leave a board. Anyone can do this and it takes a MUCH BIGGER person to do otherwise. indyrob proved to be a quitter.

gonz, I post on another board and see this kind of stuff happen to "get it." Trust me buddy, I've collected more than ENOUGH data to justify that statement. If you'd like to refute that, let me know and I'll cite examples.

gonz said:
Don't worry about posting that I'm not a FOG and I don't have alot of time under my belt as well.

No problem, I don't have to look at your "post count" or how LONG you've been here to respect or disrespect your opinions. You've noted them and I've responded...:D
That's the difference between us and some of these other folks. We've said what we wanted to say to each other, perhaps don't see eye to eye, and we'll move on. I'm not (and I don't think you would either) going to keep going back and forth disecting each other's posts trying to one-up you.
godfather said:
Anyone who posts "I QUIT" and I've "pulled out of a pass" is a dime a dozen in my eyes. I have no RESPECT for quitters that have a hissy fit and want to up and leave a board. Anyone can do this and it takes a MUCH BIGGER person to do otherwise. indyrob proved to be a quitter.


Since you decided to jump in on this without knowing anything there bubba...Some of these guys follow your posts and make these little jabs, so I dropped out of the pass to make sure that the thread didn't get muddied up with shinola.

But you didn't know that. So the next time you want to jump on a bandwagon, make sure you've been around long enough to make some educated responses instead of the obligatory "John 3:16" comment you made earlier in the thread. I appreciate your input, I would rather it pertain more to the topic at hand instead of you jumping ship with the rest.

Just to let you know, the whole reason I said I quit is explained with the opening post by George in this very thread. It's frustrating that there are so many of these backbitting threads now instead of what really is important...cigars.

Hissy fit...could you describe that to me? I see you're familiar with the search feature so could you point out where I had a Hissy Fit? Slander isn't cool, and neither are hissy fits.
Hey guys, it's getting really late and I'm exhausted. Is anyone going to be doing much more posting tonight, or can I go crash out?
indyrob said:
Some of these guys follow oyur posts and make these little jabs, so I dropped out of the pass to make sure that the thread didn't get muddied up with shinola.

So that's reasonable justification for 'quitting?' That's a pretty poor excuse to me, but ok rob.

indyrob said:
It's frustrating that there are so many of these backbitting threads now instead of what really is important...cigars.

Hmm, well that's not really a good reason to leave a board if you ASK ME. Why don't you HELP the board by sticking with other members to put those VERY MEMBERS in CHECK and hold them ACCOUNTABLE for their actions? Maybe if more people did that like George stated, this place wouldn't be running rampent with so many "ass-hats."

rob, I can't have this discussion with you. You've more than proved to "jump the ship" from this board when things get too hot and heavy for you. I have no respect for people like you.

Just know this, I'll stand by other members who have VALID POINTS on this board regardless of my "post count" or "how long I've been here." Again, I agree with George and will show my support. If you and anyone else takes that out of context as me "jumping on the bandwagon," then that's your own ignorance speaking.

indyrob said:
Hissy fit...could you describe that to me?

Saying you're leaving a board for the poor reasons you just gave and then deciding you want back in, further causing even more comotion (this thread) "instead of what really is imporant...cigars" shows a hissy fit to me.

It's just like a person who plays against someone in a game whose better than him. At a point in the game you KNOW the OTHER PERSON is better than you, and you're going to lose. Instead of letting things play out, you say "I QUIT" and stomp off and leave.

This is very well what you did. Things weren't going "rob's way" so you said, "I'm LEAVING because I want to TALK about cigars and there's all this "backbiting" as you put it. Then when things cool down, you CHANGE YOUR MIND, decide to come back and think people will forget?

Definition of hissy fit: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=hissy%20fit
indyrob said:
Hissy fit...could you describe that to me? I see you're familiar with the search feature so could you point out where I had a Hissy Fit? Slander isn't cool, and neither are hissy fits.

Ask, and ye shall receive...

Hissy Fit #1

Hissy Fit #2

Hissy Fit #3

Hissy Fit #4

Hissy Fit #5

One of my FAVORITE robbie hissy fits... Admitting you resorted to "Childish Antics instead of valid arguments"

indyrob said:
This thing needs to be locked down...it's served it's purpose and now it's just getting everybody all flared up.

It's one thing to debate an issue, but most people here, myself included, are resorting to childish antics instead of valid arguments.

Just put it to rest...

All in one thread....

Then there was...

Hissy Fit #7

Hissy Fit #8

Hissy Fit #9

Hissy Fit #10

REALLY GOOD Hissy Fit #11 (in a PM)

And of course, who could forget this memorable quote:

indyrob said:
I'm sorry if I went the wrong way about this. I was pissed. Knowing this now, I think I still would have posted my complaint rather than handle it through pm's. That's what forums are for...yeah?

Hissy Fit #12

Another great quote...

indyrob said:
I know. But it didn't sink in until the smoke cleared. By then, your wise words were kinda poking me in the head. I'm a thick headed bastahd. (if you hadn't already noticed) Anyways, with all that I have said and done, the NSTT has actually been more informative than just getting aquaited with new cigars. It's really taught me more than you think. :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
You see rob, if no one else is going to say it, I guess I will, the problem with you is this; you have been here what about 7 months now, and you still don’t “get it”! By now you should have gotten it, after the ashtray scandal you should have got it, That’s when I did. It took me 14 pages of reading that crap to figure it out, you were there in the middle of it, posting, and you still didn’t “get it”!

I’ll help you out a little bit. First off, it has nothing to do with a f**king ashtray, who gives a sh*t about an ashtray, it has to do with the fact cvmfour put that whole box split together to get an ashtray, without being up front about his intentions.

That in and of itself is everything this board is against. We are not here to take advantage of newbies, or each other. We are not here to get free cigars out of each other,...... well that one could be debated :whistling: . We are not here to take “things” from each other. We are here to take knowledge, belief, and most importantly TRUST from each other!

We are here to GIVE to each other. We are here to help one another get the most out of what we all enjoy!!!!!

This site is about GIVING and not about receiving.

I have had more fun over the past week or two trying to put together the best Secret Santa package I could come up with. Now, to tell you the truth, I could care less what I get from mine (side note-- this is no excuse not to send me one though :D ). But, when we get down to it that is what this site is all about.

We are here to give each other the best we can. We are all here to help each other learn, share, and enjoy each others company. If someone is down, we help them up. If someone is up, we help keep them up—or at least bring them down to our level :p . Is any of this getting through?

Now, the downside of this happy go lucky site, are the ---I’ll just call them the “Others”. The ones that want to try and take us for everything and more. The ones that don’t “get it”, and are in this for “I” and “I” alone. The ones that want to make a buck, cigar, or ashtray off of us. If we just sat back and let them have there way, they would suck us all dry, and then what would we be left with? Where would the Trust be? The site would be dead, or maybe just like all the rest. That’s not what I want, and I will stand up and fight to keep it the way it is!

So, unfortunately, we have to have folks that have been here awhile, and like it the way it is, keep it the way it is, and weed out all the “Others”.

Because all people like you would do is just get up and say, “I quit!”

I may not get it all, but at least I get more than you do, which isn’t saying much….but I’ve only been here about 3 months now.

Sorry man, you lost all my Respect and Trust.

Go somewhere else, or “GET IT” Fast, and hide.

What is this place evolving into?

Not evolving into anything! We just have too many "Others" and it time to clean house!