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I can't believe...

I rather enjoy heading out the door and telling my wife on the way out, "Going to smoke a $30 cigar" just to see the look on her face. :D Course, then I console her by stating, "Well not all are $30 cigars, I've got some that's only $10 or $15."

Course I do finish by stating I didn't pay for them. ;)
I rather enjoy heading out the door and telling my wife on the way out, "Going to smoke a $30 cigar" just to see the look on her face. :D Course, then I console her by stating, "Well not all are $30 cigars, I've got some that's only $10 or $15."

Course I do finish by stating I didn't pay for them. ;)

That from the ENABLER himself. My wife recently saw two boxes that came in the mail from someone named "Lovelace". She thought I was buying porn. Well she was right huh Greg?
Haven't done the math in awhile, because I'm scared to know!

I do know that if I didn't live at least three hours in any direction from ANY cigar shops, it would be much higher. I just use shops as largely a way to buy one or two of something new. If I like them, it's online I go with my plastic.
I'm spending quite a bit on cigars, however since I've been married I haven't been contributing to the stripper college fund like I used to. Even my post-CP cigar budget is less than my bachelor lap dance budget. :laugh:

I stock up twice a year because I smoke at least 2 cigars per day. That is a minimum of 730 cigars, or 36.5 boxes per year. Obviously I live for sales and the devil site. However, I visit my local B&M at least once a week...damn retail. I just did a quick mental inventory and I came up with a horrid year to date number.



I edited my amount because I forgot about a couple of purchases.
The sad thing is Kim knows how much i spend, mostly because she is with me when i buy them and she also buys them for me (as a loving gift :love: ). Last night we dropped another $150 at the herf and they were all singles. I am really running out of room, gee thanks guy's :rolleyes: , like i'm really going to complain about something like that.
I just bought 6 boxes of high end cigars in Cuba but they are cheap there compared to Canada.

My average price per stick is still likely less than $10.00 and I have a pretty good (IMO anyways) collection.

My wife is cool with my purchases though as we budget a certain amout of fun money for each of us. She can buy shoes and I can buy cigars!
lets not even take into account the cost of my aristocrat.. my fiance thinks I've spent about 3k on smoking. My humi cost more than that!

I don't even want to know, and I sure as hell don't want her to know.

How's the kiddo doin Jon?