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Humidor Weigh In


New Member
Jan 17, 2008
So I have been reading this forum for months now. Particuraly the humidor section. Now I do not wish to discuss my humidor choices, but I do want to clarify some points of price points of humidors. I am interested to hear the input from some newbs and from the seasoned members. In my days of smoking in cigar shops and conversing about humidors with the owners, not a single one ever says that a humi under $300 is worth owning. Cigar Aficionado constantly pokes fun at, "anybody with a table saw and access to some spanish cedar" humidor offerings.
In any aspect of retail, brand name adds a premium to the price. Some times the price is warranted because the name equates quality. Other times a name is simply that. . . a name. Some small manufactures like, "Bob" have a great reputation on this board. They are also relatively a financial investment. Other makes like, "Vanderburgh Humidors" are very expensive, but similarly are of great quality. National brands like, "Savoy, Diamond Crown, and Ashton" line the shelves of most cigar shops. They have proven themselves through there numbers sold for many years. Then there are the bargain humidors. Most of the humis on sites like cheaphumidors, and cvmcigars offer humis for less than $100 bucks. I wish to leave out the comparison of the coolers and fridgidors because we all now the advantages and disadvantages of those.
Now considering all this, I was surprised when I started reading this site to find members well versed in the world of cigars, entrusting their hundreds or thousands of dollars of smokes to these $100 humis. Cheaphumidors seems to get a lot of hits and not just from newbies. Do you think there is a difference between the $100 hundred count and the $1000 hundred count. If so, is the added gauge of brass hinge, or the thickness of the spanish cedar really worth the difference. Are these bargains whores in pretty costumes or do they provide the same service. As I have seen many here site, I have found cheap humidors to "woosh" when the lid test is performed, expensive ones fail, and vise verse. Whats your position?

PS: please omit one sentence responses.
So I have been reading this forum for months now. Particuraly the humidor section. Now I do not wish to discuss my humidor choices, but I do want to clarify some points of price points of humidors. I am interested to hear the input from some newbs and from the seasoned members. In my days of smoking in cigar shops and conversing about humidors with the owners, not a single one ever says that a humi under $300 is worth owning. Cigar Aficionado constantly pokes fun at, "anybody with a table saw and access to some spanish cedar" humidor offerings.
In any aspect of retail, brand name adds a premium to the price. Some times the price is warranted because the name equates quality. Other times a name is simply that. . . a name. Some small manufactures like, "Bob" have a great reputation on this board. They are also relatively a financial investment. Other makes like, "Vanderburgh Humidors" are very expensive, but similarly are of great quality. National brands like, "Savoy, Diamond Crown, and Ashton" line the shelves of most cigar shops. They have proven themselves through there numbers sold for many years. Then there are the bargain humidors. Most of the humis on sites like cheaphumidors, and cvmcigars offer humis for less than $100 bucks. I wish to leave out the comparison of the coolers and fridgidors because we all now the advantages and disadvantages of those.
Now considering all this, I was surprised when I started reading this site to find members well versed in the world of cigars, entrusting their hundreds or thousands of dollars of smokes to these $100 humis. Cheaphumidors seems to get a lot of hits and not just from newbies. Do you think there is a difference between the $100 hundred count and the $1000 hundred count. If so, is the added gauge of brass hinge, or the thickness of the spanish cedar really worth the difference. Are these bargains whores in pretty costumes or do they provide the same service. As I have seen many here site, I have found cheap humidors to "woosh" when the lid test is performed, expensive ones fail, and vise verse. Whats your position?

PS: please omit one sentence responses.

Umm. OK. :sign:
I have a custom made with shelves and trays for my singles, a Montecristo Afrique glass top for my "special" cigars, and a coolidor for my boxes. I'm happy, so that's all that matters.
This is one of those situations where what's best for one person is most likely completely different from what's best for someone else.

I use three large coolers because that's what works best for me, I have no need for a nice piece of furniture BUT there are guys here who have nice smoking rooms and want something fancy in the room so a four-figure custom humi works best for them. I totally understand why they wouldn't want two or three coolers stuffed in a corner of a beautifully furnished smoking room.

I don't see a considerable difference between inexpensive large humis and the ones you pay big $$ for. Humi "performance" is more a function of your particular situation. Guys who live in Arizona have a much more difficult time keeping pretty much any humi maintained unlike me where the room I keep my coolers in runs a constant 55% to 65% RH almost year round.

Buy what works best for you.
This is one of those situations where what's best for one person is most likely completely different from what's best for someone else.

I use three large coolers because that's what works best for me, I have no need for a nice piece of furniture BUT there are guys here who have nice smoking rooms and want something fancy in the room so a four-figure custom humi works best for them. I totally understand why they wouldn't want two or three coolers stuffed in a corner of a beautifully furnished smoking room.

I don't see a considerable difference between inexpensive large humis and the ones you pay big $ for. Humi "performance" is more a function of your particular situation. Guys who live in Arizona have a much more difficult time keeping pretty much any humi maintained unlike me where the room I keep my coolers in runs a constant 55% to 65% RH almost year round.

Buy what works best for you.

Rather than coolers I use Vinotemps but CoventryCat's response hits all the points I was going to cover. More eloquently too :D

- Tim
Lets see.... Cadillac and Ugo.... Lear and Piper.... Monte #2 and Backwoods.... Colt 45 auto and Raven arms .25.... Diamonds and Cubic Zirconia... Steak and Hamburger....

humidors are no different than any other product. Pretty sure you can figure this one out.
All you really need is a humidor that will hold proper temperature, RH, and protect your cigars. You don't have to spend a lot of money to do this, but there is something intangibly nice about having a nice piece of heirloom-quality humidor about the house. As CC said, it all depends on the person and the situation.

Here are some places you might consider if you are in the market for a nice custom humidor:







I don't understand what point(s) you clarified regarding the price points of humidors. Nor do I understand why you find yourself in surprise and wonder at others entrusting their cigars in humidors (or other equipment modified into humidors) that cost less than $300 or $100. We have found, through trial and error, and word of mouth, that many of them work perfectly well for the storage of cigars.

I have several CigarCaddy's of various sizes. I find favor with them and I rarely leave home without at least one of them filled up and at my side. I also have various lighters, cutters, and other accessories of various price points. That does not in any fashion mean that I would frown upon someone who steps up to a gathering with a Tupperware box full of cigars and removes his cigar caps with his fingernail or pocket knife and then lights 'em up with a cheapie crack cocaine butane lighter.

One is either in this hobby for the enjoyment of the cigars themselves or the "lifestyle" of the toys. I find that I personally get along much better (meaning I have more respect for their enjoyment of cigars) with a fellow cigar enthusiast who shares a common passion for cigars than for one who is enamored of expensive toys. Function is worth a price, but much beyond that and it is for sheer show.

That being said, I would love to trade in my wine coolers for a large custom cabinet humidor. That would serve a function for me. It's the difference between sitting on an empty crate versus a chair of excellent beauty and craftsmanship.
There is something about a beautiful piece of wood work, that just sends chills down my spine. But alas I can’t afford it, right now. So I'm stuck with a 150 quart cooler.. Function is what I like best in most things I buy. I shop for price and functionality. My $12 dollar, three burner Tiger lighter. Will light cigars just as well as a $200 dollar Promethius lighter will.. :whistling:
I can't resist!

I am possibly amoung the most expensive [overpriced???] person selling tabletop humidors and cabinets. I have been called " Arlin Li$$" [grin]

Respectfully, I take exception to being grouped as I was with manufacturers who PRIMARILY sell a particular 'model' with alternative options. and calling all as "CUSTOM" sources.

I will be the 1st to agree that anything more than a coleman cooler with a humidifier is an indulgence....

But thats the joy of life..... choices

And to say that a Yugo and a Bently are equal because they both can take you from point A to point B is a valid is truly logical?
I'm a woodworker and I going to make a nice piece of furniture(humidor) that well be around long after we are all gone and my friend its going to work. No MDF here, Its all wood and Baby and its an original.
I am a woodworker as well and can assure you that a humidor is a very low tech, very basic box. The key is thick enough material and tight enough joints to provide a stable environment for your smokes, Needs a tight seal to hold humidity and lining of quality Spanish cedar to finish off the piece. There is not much to it, as long as these basic requirements are met you will not have any problems with your smokes. This is why there are probably hunderds of thousands of dollars worth of the very best cigars being stored in $20 coolers by many many people, because a cooler is all those things, air tight , insulated to provide stability as far as temp, add some beads and you have a great humidor.

But as with anything, a box made from MDF in a factory in China, and a box made of solid amboyna burl in a custom shop by an American craftsman who's profession is wood work will not be priced even closely. I know when I was in business for myself I did not even turn on the lights for less than $30 per hour, and that was around 1990 when I was in my early 20s.

Anything reviewed or discussed in Cigar Afficianado must be taken with a grain of salt. Netjets, $1k golf shoes and $800 lighters to me is like reading about the tooth fairy, pure bullshit. Same with a $1000 100 count humidor.

That being said I own a desktop from cheaphumidors, a $100 humi, ($92 actually) which has been great for the last year. A few small upgrades of 65% beads and a digital hygrometer have made it perfect for me. I was just deployed for about 40 days and it was sitting at 64% when I returned, just like the day I left. It is not a custom build high dollar humi but it works just as well I would bet.

It all comes down to what you want to spend, if you have $500 to spend on a desk top humidor and you find one you like go for it, but if you would rather spend $100 and then have $400 left for smokes your cigars will be just as happy.

See ya.

I can't resist!

I am possibly amoung the most expensive [overpriced???] person selling tabletop humidors and cabinets.

Respectfully, I take exception to being grouped as I was with manufacturers who PRIMARILY sell a particular 'model' with alternative options. and calling all as "CUSTOM" sources.

I will be the 1st to agree that anything more than a coleman cooler with a humidifier is an indulgence....

But thats the joy of life..... choices

Straight from the horses mouth. And one day Arlin, I hope to have a signed Arlin Liss "indulgence" :love:
Everyone pretty much has answered the question (if there was an actual question) fairly well. Storing cigars is not rocket science. As stated above, if the humidor has a good seal, it doesn't really matter what the cost was, it will keep the cigars fresh (as evidenced by the number of people that use coolers).
That doesn't mean that it is wrong to spend thousands on a custom made humidor either, it is just that not everyone can afford one or has the need for one. I would love an Aston Martin, but I can't afford one, so I drive a Ford F150. And if I couldn't afford that, I would drive whatever I could afford.
I am a sponsor on this site as well and I carry many humidors that are under $100, as well as some that are upwards of $2000 for large units that hold thousands of cigars. None of them are custom made, they are all mass production units, but I have not had one complaint from any of my customers that use them.
In the end, the bottom line is, what do you want out of your humidor (function at a good price, beauty at a high price) and how much are you willing to spend.

I own three boxes of various costs. If managed properly, each box keeps my cigars fresh and smokable for long periods of time. Two pieces of advice worth noting - look for a box that has a heavier lid and run your fingers around the point where the lid meets the lower portion of the box; the heavier the lid, the tighter the closing and by running your fingers around the box it should feel seamless, minimizing any "leaks". As for the three boxes I own, the one costing $125.00 works as well as the one which cost me many many times that amount. Good luck.
I will be the 1st to agree that anything more than a coleman cooler with a humidifier is an indulgence....

I agree completely. If you have a coolidor that is properly maintained in terms of temp/humidity, there's nothing wrong with that at all. I would say, though, that most people would benefit greatly from having something like a Habitat system installed. Proper RH is all well and good, but you also want the air to circulate, otherwise humidity will always "settle down"... and make sure your coolidor is stored somewhere that is temperature controlled.

That said, I had two "indulgence" humidors made; one for my office, and one for my house. My wife would kill me if I had stacked coolidors in the living room, but a nice humidor that looks like an attractive piece of furniture is okay. That lets me keep the cigars where it is convenient for me, rather than packed away in the basement or such.

Ditto for work, I can't very well have stacked coolidors in my office, but I can have a nice piece of furniture there. Neither are really so much to be showpieces as they are to fit into their environment, and having them there is more convenient for me than stashing away coolidors in the basement.

Your mileage may vary; but I do agree that properly maintained, either end of the spectrum can work just fine. Just get that air circulating a bit, perhaps with a small piezoelectric fan, if you got the coolidor route.
I will be the 1st to agree that anything more than a coleman cooler with a humidifier is an indulgence....

Your mileage may vary; but I do agree that properly maintained, either end of the spectrum can work just fine. Just get that air circulating a bit, perhaps with a small piezoelectric fan, if you got the coolidor route.

Good to see you posting Arlin.. :thumbs:

In answer to Moki's suggestion. I have two Oust fan's in my cooler.. Finding them with battery's instead of the plugg in, is a little tuff now days, but they can be found..

See Ya! :cool:
This is one of those situations where what's best for one person is most likely completely different from what's best for someone else.

I use three large coolers because that's what works best for me, I have no need for a nice piece of furniture BUT there are guys here who have nice smoking rooms and want something fancy in the room so a four-figure custom humi works best for them. I totally understand why they wouldn't want two or three coolers stuffed in a corner of a beautifully furnished smoking room.

I don't see a considerable difference between inexpensive large humis and the ones you pay big $ for. Humi "performance" is more a function of your particular situation. Guys who live in Arizona have a much more difficult time keeping pretty much any humi maintained unlike me where the room I keep my coolers in runs a constant 55% to 65% RH almost year round.

Buy what works best for you.

Rather than coolers I use Vinotemps but CoventryCat's response hits all the points I was going to cover. More eloquently too :D

- Tim

Vinotemps? You are humble to the extreme. I remain humbled in the presence of greatness.