It's $3.39 gal 87, $3.99 gal DSL.
I used to work in the oil business, and you have no idea the amount of anger that was caused by that job, knowing that even though these high prices are padding your wallet, they're raping society. Not only are these the highest prices in US history, but they are the largest profit margins in the history of oil companies.
There is no shortage, there is no raise in the operating costs and a large percentage of the oil barons are terrorists themselves, so there is no fear from that factor either. It is a way to fill their pockets to the brim. As previously mentioned, anger inducing.
Thanks for the input TMarquis, it is well assumed by all that the real problem IS the fuel producers, oil supplers, and the like. But you have to KNOW that the profits are being passed UP the line to the
(NO P words) that are in control of our country, otherwise how could they turn a blind eye and deaf ear to what is going on???
Agree or Disagree? Any consumer strategies?