How you going to spend it?

Me too. Gov't employee here with a teacher wife. I do a little side consulting to make "braces" money and maybe save some to send kids to college but I am too "rich" also. Mike33, who has known me forever, has determined that I don't need any back. :blush:
Me too. Gov't employee here with a teacher wife. I do a little side consulting to make "braces" money and maybe save some to send kids to college but I am too "rich" also. Mike33, who has known me forever, has determined that I don't need any back. :blush:

Lol! I didn't determine anything; last time I checked it was the Gov. who decided to give tax rebates.

I don't know what careers has to do with anything, both my parents are retired teachers and I'm a full-time law school student. We could certainly use the money, but I'd survive without it. There are a lot more people out there that could use the money more than myself. Sorry if you aren't getting a refund, but you shouldn't be mad that those that don't even make enough to pay income taxes are getting one.
Hopefully you realized the "determined" line was done with tongue in cheek. I just think its silly that the powers that be can't even give money back without socially engineering it. I have no problem with who IS getting the rebates trust me. I do unapologetically have a problem with having my hard work rewarded by mother congress as they say to me. "thanks for working so hard last year and paying us taxes on that extra money you made by spending nights and weekends with that second job instead of being with your family. Since CNBC says the economy is going in the hopper we've decided to save the day and we are going to give some of that tax money back.......but not to you." If the point is to get cash into the economy then the only "fair" thing to do is mail a check to EVERYONE. And this isn't just me whining about me, it's me complaining about the way the entire tax system works.

That is endemic of the real bigger issue with our tax system. It rewards non-production and punishes those who strive to succeed.

And, to use the stupidest catch phrase in is what it is. Cheers.
Percentage wise, isn't it pretty negligible to include those that made over $75/150K compared to those that are under it??
I don't know stats on that but I'd assume its a lot more people than you would think.

It's not a big percentage but I think it would be more than negligible. It would certainly make the bill for this thing a lot higher.
Yeah, maybe... just remember how we're always hearing something like "the top 1%make 40% of the money"... or whatever. :)
Top 1% do pay 40% of the tax, but I don't know what the low-end income level of that 1% is.
Funny how you'll get one even if you didn't actually PAY any taxes but you won;t get one if you paid allot of taxes. GD Democrats!

Even worse, if you actually pay a lot of taxes, you won't get anything at all. I won't be seeing any refund. Same old same old... whatever, I don't really care. :)
Funny how you'll get one even if you didn't actually PAY any taxes but you won;t get one if you paid a lot of taxes. GD Democrats!

X2. :rolleyes:

If they go by your 2007, I should make out but if its 2008 I'm outta luck....

Whatever it is will just be "walking around" money. Maybe I should just go to the casino and give it to the Indians. :laugh:
Speaking of returning money back to the government, I think it is appropriate to link to this story. LINK :whistling:
I'm going to make a sign that says "Good Riddance George" for next January

I'll second that.

Whatever is left can go towards my upcoming surgery: I'm having my middle fingers extended. Something I've really wanted to do over the past 8 years.
We're going to use all of it towards our family trip to China. Our daughter is studying in Beijing for the semester and we (me, my wife, and son) are going to see her at the end of May. We're staying for three weeks and will use the cash for our spending money. And on the layover in Toronto, I'm guessing some cigars will be in my future!

Not exactly the type of economic stimulus package the brain dead politicians in Washington DC were thinking about.
I am going to be a good American citizen and spend it on drinking and women with questionable morals.