How Would You Spend $35.00?

Mayorga Maduro Robustos are very good smokes for around that price.
Those are all very good idea's but for $35 I would go with a dirty sanchez.....
Right now there are some Don Tomas wheels on cbid you might be able to get for $35.
Seriously, I'll x2 that. PBR is the finest beer obtainable for $0.51! And some connies, not a bad smoke, and super cheap.

While PBR is indeed commendable, I find that Genny (Genesee) Cream Ale is by far the best (got it for $12.99 a 30 pack).

As for value cigars, I like the Pirate's Gold by Rolando Reyes in maduro. I think its less than $1.50 a stick. Don't know if you can get it on Famous though.

I'm still itching to try those Famous Buenos Maduritos as soon as they come back in stock.

Glad to see some of you young fellas have an appreciation for fine traditional American beer.

I actually like the Cameroon Toros they have up now. Smoke a fair amount of them putzing around the yard. The Osuros they have aren't bad, not high class by any means but not bad. I like the Cameroons more though.

Right now there are some Don Tomas wheels on cbid you might be able to get for $35.

How good are those Don Tomas cigars? The maduro ones look pretty tasty
I'll second the cammies by Don Tomas.

They don't compare to Hemingways as I've heard some say, but they are a decent cameroon wrapped cigar. They're in my fishing rotation. I prefer them a great deal over the oscuros, but that's just my personal preference.

Good luck on your quest.

Oh yeah, PBR is just fine by me! :)
Thanks SO MUCH guys. Here is the list that I have compiled so far that I can choose from:

K Hansotia Symphony's
Sancho Panzas Double Maduro
Famous Buenos Maduritos
Famous Nics 3000 Toros
El Creditos - Nacionales, Robustos, or Corona
Mayorga Maduro Robustos
Don Tomas Camaroon Toro
Pirate's Gold by Rolando Reyes in maduro.
La Vieja Habana
Nicaraguan cream
RP seconds

A vote may be in order here :thumbs:

Also, since you guys are really into beer, there is a GREAT article in my local newspaper (Newsday) on American beer that I can think you guys would truly enjoy. Here is the link:,4749423.story
Seriously, I'll x2 that. PBR is the finest beer obtainable for $0.51! And some connies, not a bad smoke, and super cheap.

While PBR is indeed commendable, I find that Genny (Genesee) Cream Ale is by far the best (got it for $12.99 a 30 pack).

As for value cigars, I like the Pirate's Gold by Rolando Reyes in maduro. I think its less than $1.50 a stick. Don't know if you can get it on Famous though.

I'm still itching to try those Famous Buenos Maduritos as soon as they come back in stock.


WOW, that brings back some memories! :0 We used to drink that stuff all the time back in high school and college. What I thought was weird though was their saying "Our one brewery makes it best." since the damned stuff seemed to taste different every time we bought it. We used to drink a lot of PBR back then too and then we settled on Piels Light and Piel Real Draft. We used to be able to get cases of 24 for $3.99 in Massachusetts. :thumbs:
PBR!!! Memories. We used to drink it because someone told us it had the highest % alcohol per $ ratio. Not sure if that was the truth as the memories are a bit fuzzy. :p
I would spend it on a Davidoff double R and a glass of Zacapa 21 anos.
The LGC Serie R are not too shabby, or the Padron 5000/6000 maduros.