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How Would You Move 30+ Boxes of Cigars


I have nothing to add that would help you but wanted to say good luck with your journey overseas.

I have nothing to add that would help you but wanted to say good luck with your journey overseas.

Thanks!! It may not happen for a couple of months, but if and when it does, I want all the advice I can get from the group. :thumbs:
I would perhaps be concerned with moving that many cigars via courier. I only say that because you the government of your new country might seek to have you pay some sort of duty on that many should they decide to open the box.
I would just have someone put them in ziplock bag and ship 2 to a box. That's how we recieve them from other countries. Good luck
As others have said, I would definitely go the UPS/Fed-Ex/DHL route. Good luck if it happens. :thumbs:
I would perhaps be concerned with moving that many cigars via courier. I only say that because you the government of your new country might seek to have you pay some sort of duty on that many should they decide to open the box.
Would you have to pay duty on your own property if it is part of a move and not commerce?

I would perhaps be concerned with moving that many cigars via courier. I only say that because you the government of your new country might seek to have you pay some sort of duty on that many should they decide to open the box.
Would you have to pay duty on your own property if it is part of a move and not commerce?


No, I would not have to pay duty as the Government would be making the move.
SJM, where are You moving? Will we be neighbours? ;)

If it happens, it would be to Germany. I do believe that would make us neighbors!! Do I see a HERF in the making??? :thumbs:
I have few loooong miles from Warsaw to Germany ;)
but Wurm and Dale lives there, so if I'll be somewhere close I'll let You all know ;)
SJM, where are You moving? Will we be neighbours? ;)

If it happens, it would be to Germany. I do believe that would make us neighbors!! Do I see a HERF in the making??? :thumbs:
I have few loooong miles from Warsaw to Germany ;)
but Wurm and Dale lives there, so if I'll be somewhere close I'll let You all know ;)

It sounds like a plan. If it happens it will be in Heidelberg. :)
I would perhaps be concerned with moving that many cigars via courier. I only say that because you the government of your new country might seek to have you pay some sort of duty on that many should they decide to open the box.
Would you have to pay duty on your own property if it is part of a move and not commerce?


Not sure, but when you enter Germany, or other countries and you must declare alchohol and tobacco products as well as the value of other goods brought in under a temporary visa. I am assuming there are a some rules which allow you to declare items on a duty free basis as part of household goods. I was just thinking that if they were sent in a separate package, 30 boxes of cigars, and not with the other household items there might be some questions from the authorities if the declarations were not properly made. Certainly, shipping them on a boat would be a disaster, with that I agree.
Take some with you for immediate needs. Bag each remaining box individually with a boveda pack or something like that. Pricey but cheaper than the UPS bill will be. Pack the boxes in a cooler using bubbles or something to secure them so that nothing can move. Then seal the cooler with a bunch of tape and box it inside cardboard and send them with the rest of your stuff.
Thanks for all the input, guys. Depending what I have to move, I will let you know what happens. :thumbs:
Hey SJM, I'm a little behind in reading threads lately and didn't realize you were planning a move. Hope it's a good thing, I guess we won't be meeting in person for awhile now :laugh: .

Did you happen to see Neal's post?, this actually sounds like a great idea. Purchase a couple of coolers, in boxes, pack them with your cigars and then repack the coolers in the original boxes for shipping. Thanks Neal, I may use that idea someday.



How about buying a bigass cooler that will hold all of your boxes, throw a bunch of beads in it, pack all the free space real well, tape the heck out of it to seal it shut, then check it as luggage. It might count as an oversized or extra bag or something, and perhaps cost you $50 extra, but that way it will be with you when you arrive. It's no different than when a band travels, the larger instruments have to get there somehow.

Coolers huh? Why didn't I think of that...
Thanks for all the input, guys. Depending what I have to move, I will let you know what happens. :thumbs:

You better let us know...... I can see a HERF before you leave at Schlesinger's

Sorry I didn't get the opportunity to talk some more with you at the Quad-State Herf....