I smoked some cigars with a close group of friends on July 4th, and I must say that I do enjoy it. I put the pipe that my grandpa gave me when I was five or so to use today, and I quite enjoyed that as well. I'm eighteen years old (I turned eighteen on June 24th, 2011), I make As and Bs in school, keep up with my schoolwork, go to work on time/when scheduled, do my job, overall I'm a very good kid. My parents could care less if I drink, whenever I go to hang with friends their words are "Don't drink and drive." My dad used to smoke when he was younger(I'm not going to say what hehe) so that's that. I'm really not sure how they'd react if they knew that I smoke cigars/pipes occasionally. My mom saw my lighter in my pocket one-two days ago and asked me if I smoke, I said no. I'm thinking if I keep this hidden it'll be ugly when they find out(note that I said when, not if...) Any advice will be greatly appreciated.