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How long should one have to wait.......

How long is acceptable for completing a trade?

  • Trade should be sent within 1 day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trade should be sent within 2 days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trade should be sent within 3 days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trade should be sent within 5 days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trade should be sent within 7 days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trade should be sent within 14 days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trade should be sent within 30 days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doesn't matter when trade is sent as long as its sent

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I think a big part of this has to be worked out between traders, but I like to recieve my smokes quick. I prefer trade time to be 3 days, bothers me big time when anything takes more than a week to get my abode*

*exception is items coming from overseas or ones that are specially made
Three days.... if it goes any longer contact should be made and an explaination given
Ah BS... It all depends on who it is and what they status is here. For instance, if it's me then you know you gonna get yer freakin' goods so stop being an ankle biter.
As a great person once said,
"It's been three years."
"Yeah, I BEEN BUSY."
As another great person once said,
"You been here four hour, you go home now."

SamClemmons said:
As another great person once said,
"You been here four hour, you go home now."

You go now! You scare my wife! You eat brokary!!! :whistling:
mrjinglesusa said:
I have waited for over a month for a trade before. :sign:

Ha ha... shut up! :sign: :p

I voted a week. I've watied longer, but I understand that people get things in life mixed up and then have to worry on other things. What bothers me more are people who promise something then you never get it. Kinda makes feel bad because you never asked for it, but you can't ask for it. lol
Allofus123 said:
Please do not add additional BS into the question.

Most of yall can't read. :D

Many of you felt a need to qualify your answer and some of you answered as if it was how long you would wait for others to send to you. One would think 2-3 days would be more than a reasonable amount of time for someone to package up a box of cigars and mail them unless communicated differently.

I'll bet the people this is intended for don't even vote. Some lame excuse about work or life getting in the way. Bull Sh*t. If you don't have time to send out your end don't get involved. How long does it take to pack up a few sticks and print a label? You don't even have to go to the PO anymore. Link right on the label page to schedule a pickup right at your home or office.

Let's be honest, if you don't get your end out in a week either your looking to get over on someone or you just don't give a damn.

As long as I'm on a rant here one more thing. Boxes are free at the PO and bubble wrap is cheap. You can buy bubble wrap most anywhere and every Sam's Club and office supply sells it. No, padded envelopes aren't good enough unless you just sending loose tobacco, because thats all it's going to be when it gets there anyway. If you don't pack well enough to insure the sticks arrive in good shape you're in the "don't give a damn" group and no one wants to trade with you anyway.

Wascal, I love you man and IMO spot on. :thumbs:
Five days! (NO BS ADDED!!!) :p

Floyd T. :sign:

***communication/fulfillment is key!***
mrjinglesusa said:
I have waited for over a month for a trade before. :sign:

I've waited a month also Jingles...... Hhhmmmmm :0
KayakinBoy said:
What bothers me more are people who promise something then you never get it. Kinda makes feel bad because you never asked for it, but you can't ask for it. lol

Hi Kayakinboy ;)
I didn't qualify diddly... I said (and I'm paraphrasing here) If I owe ya shut up already.

Nobody likes you 123.

I have waited and I have made people wait. Just ask Tenpin. Tenpin if you read this I am sorry and I will send them out tomorrow with bonuses! Thanks again.
I would say that it should take as long as it takes. Communication is the key. As long as both of you are okay with it, cool.

I think we do a pretty good job at being patient.

I also think that we act when it is needed, after things go awry.
3 days only because I can only send on weekedays so If I miss friday monday is the next day it will be sent, but that's just me.
inflatus said:
I would say that it should take as long as it takes. Communication is the key. As long as both of you are okay with it, cool.

I think we do a pretty good job at being patient.

I also think that we act when it is needed, after things go awry.
5 days is my vote, but I also agree with inflatus. Send a PM if you're gonna take longer.
SamClemmons said:
Nobody likes you 123.


LOL...thank god, I don't want any more friends! ;)

Send me some peanuts will ya and make it in the next 3 days.
coventrycat86 said:
bfreebern said:
Topping this for a certain member.


Who might that be?

That makes this thread handy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Nice friendly way to warn a wayward or lazy member...especially if they voted.
Before names get named.
I voted on day 1, but thought I'd wait til now for the commentary.

I voted for 3 days, but I usually get my end in the mail the next day. On the other hand, I 've had to wait as long as 3 weeks to receive. I did not like that... :whistling:
stevehawk said:
On the other hand, I 've had to wait as long as 3 weeks to receive. I did not like that... :whistling:

Try 2 months on for size.