Some think info wars is non biased, I research news, while it is well known media outlets have biased period, I don’t believe any sources who support conspiracies. Yeah media is owned by a handful in the US. Personally, and maybe this is my own fiduciary biased view, I’m trusting what comes from the CDC, until I have a valid reason not to. Knowing what was done during the Tuskeegee experiment and sterilizations in Latin America, I have plenty of ammo to not trust the CDC or US gov, but here I am. A disease control expert trained in contact tracing. Do I posses a PHD or other set of letters? No. I’ve regurlarly been in rooms full of MA,MS, MPH, PhD, MD, and able to hold my own when discussing topics. You do you, always, but I would hate for the day to read about a fellow B/SOTL who died because they took this pandemic lightly or feel it was blown out of proportion. Be well.