How can I top the Bacon Explosion?


Ultra Runner
Mar 18, 2005
I prepared this delicacy last year for my wife's side of the family's Christmas gathering and it was a huge hit. But that's to be expected, after all what's not to love about it.

How can I top that this year? Any suggestions in the realm of making something so out of control, over the top gluttonous such as the BE? I've considered the Turducken, or something similar, but thought I'd see what else is out there that can dazzle a room like I did last year.
Have you considered the "Meat Manger"?


Can't find a "recipe," but it appears the hay is hash browns, the animals are made with pretzel sticks, and the Wise Men are wearing crowns of tin foil.

More awesome pictures

ETA: It appears there are better individual close up pics here for guidance:
'Tis a fool's errand. One cannot top the perfect meat dish.
The Piturducken. I saw it on Duck Dynasty tonight. It's a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey inside of a looked delicious.
I thought about the Meat Manger, but my wife said absolutely not, I guess some of her religious relatives might find it a little tacky. In response I said, "That's what napkins are for" but she didn't laugh...
I am not trying to hi-jack your thread, hopefully it'll help, but does anyone know how to make the bacon Explosion into a breakfast dish?? Maybe adding eggs some how to the sausage??
I am not trying to hi-jack your thread, hopefully it'll help, but does anyone know how to make the bacon Explosion into a breakfast dish?? Maybe adding eggs some how to the sausage??
Fry eggs in bacon grease & serve with bacon explosion. Voila! Breakfast.