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House Broken Into


New Member
Jan 12, 2008
Damn, the feeling of being violated sucks!!

Last night the wife and I came home from Dinner at 11:30 and found that someone had broken into our place.

I think we startled them and came home in the middle of it, because we both thought we saw a flash light shining inside from the outside. They did not take much, a mavado watch and some tiffany jewely that the wife had, but only about 6 things in total, they left both my mavado watch and raymond weil watches on my dressers, and some other things of value that were in reach so that is why I think we came home while it was going on.

Its just a shame that it happened, and when the cops came they said there was another break in a few blocks over and they took everything. We were up till 4 am with crime scene cops and cleaning up.
Sorry to hear this. Scumbags.
Geez man, that's rough. I can't imagine the feelings you must be going through. At least you got there in time to stop them from cleaning you out.
Wow. Just wrong. Hopefully they can catch these bastards.
That sucks. It is a terrible feeling. I have been robbed more than once. I caught a guy breaking into my truck one time. That was a bad day for both of us. :whistling:
Sorry to hear this happened to you.Thank god nobody was hurt! I know what a terrible feeling that is.I didnt feel comfortable at home for months after it happened to me.Hopefully they catch the bastards.Best wishes to you and your wife,Bill
Damn, John. Glad they didn't take much, and most importantly, no one was hurt. Hope they can get your stuff back.
Sorry to hear that John, but the feeling will pass, I promise. My wife and I moved into a new place in December of 2007 and two weeks later we got robbed. When we called the police the officer came out and dusted for some prints, and said this was the first robbery he had ever been to in our city, and that we wouldn't be getting our stuff back. I guess if nothing else at least he was honest. You don't realize how much you want to watch TV, until someone steals it.

Look at things on the bright side, you and your wife weren't hurt, and you can replace jewelry.
Sorry to hear. Thank God no one was hurt. I had a GPS unit stolen from my car last year...what pissed me off even more was, not only did they steal the unit, but they burnt a hole in my leather seat with a cigarette the left on the seat!!! SCUMBAGS!!!

At least they didn't get your smokes :p
Being a deputy sheriff, may I suggest that you request security checks for the next few days from your local PD? It's a good deterrent in case the creep comes back for round 2, and helps give you a little peace of mind. I'd also suggest getting a nice quality fire safe that you can bolt to the floor. A hardcore theif will still get into it, but it will protect you from more simple smash and grab burglaries like this. Also, security lights on the corners of the house with motion detectors help, they really do. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, I know the feeling and it is a crappy one. A man's home is his castle, and the feeling of vulnerability you get when your castle is broken into is hard to shake. Do those couple things I mentioned above (at the bare minimum, I strong encourage people to make their homes burg/robbery resistant as possible), and you will feel better, I can assure you that. I hope that law enforcement catches whomever did this. Chances are good that the moron will do it again, and get caught.

(By the way, robbery is different than burglary. In order for you to have been robbed, your property or money has to be taken via force or fear from your being. Burglary involves someone entering your residence with the intent to commit a crime, whether it be theft or for instance vandalism.)
Sorry to hear the bad news John, I'm glad to hear that you are your wife didn't get harmed. Hopefully they catch these bastids and soon....... :angry:
Damn John sorry to hear that! Thank god no one was hurt. Remember material things can always be replaced. Let's hope Nassau County's finest can put these scumbags where they belong!
That really sucks John....sorry to hear that. But as someone else said, at least no one was hurt and you and your wife are OK.
I'm glad you guys weren't hurt.

Take the suggestions to make your home more "unattractive" to the thieves and it will help the feelings of violation pass. I still get a start when I here a bump in the night or any time we leave for a trip, but the changes we made after our incident have helped, especially TheWife©.

It's a terrible thing to have happen to you and your home. I'm sorry you guys have been added to the statistics. :(
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Praying that the guy gets caught and you recover all your belongings.
Glad you and yours didn't get hurt! Hope the perps get hit by a bus and die a slow painful death..........
Wow that sucks. Good thing nothing happened to you and your wife.