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"Home from Iraq, Been a While" Cigar Pass

Kona, I am waiting on your snailer before I mail the box out. If I don't have your saniler by tomorrow night, I am going to mail the box out on Monday morning. Please send me your info via PM or e-mail.
I haven't heard from Kona yet, so the box goes out without him. If you still want in Kona, drop me an e-mail or PM.

Here's the pass order...

1) Swifty

2) Sir-Smokes-A-Lot

3) Brown Devil

4) LC-Smoker

5) Melski

6) Yellow Cello

7) Coventrycat86

8) Tone-NY

9) Moki

...And there it is. Please let me know if anyone has any issues what so ever with the pass order. If you think you are not going to be around when the pass lands, we can fix the order. I recall someone saying that they were going to be away for a bit, but for the life of me, I can't recall who that was... ??? Looking forward to the pass and I'll post when it gets dropped off and started. :thumbs:
RLinNH said:
I haven't heard from Kona yet, so the box goes out without him. If you still want in Kona, drop me an e-mail or PM.

...I recall someone saying that they were going to be away for a bit, but for the life of me, I can't recall who that was... ??? Looking forward to the pass and I'll post when it gets dropped off and started. :thumbs:

I think that was Kona, and it may be why he has not responded. He said he was going to be travelling until the end of the month.

Line up looks fabulous.

Line-up looks great to me. :thumbs: I can't wait. I will post my P/Ts ahead of time for pre-approval as soon as this thread gets transferred to the "Cigar Passes in Progress" forum.
4 in front of me. Good - plenty of chances to get rid of that Fuente crap in the box. :laugh:
Not yet LC. Ya'd think a guy with 4 weeks off from work could get a box pass out. :blush: Seriously though, I have been swamped with EVERYTHING this side of Iraq. Everyone wants to see me, and I have to get my fly fishing in. I am going to do my damnedest to get it out this weekend. When she flies, I'll post here. Hey, just think, the smokes are aging that much more. ;)
I fish for whatever the season dictates, and right now it's trout. Come middle of May to around early September, I fish the Salt for Stripers and Blues. Come September, it's down to the Cape for the False Albacore and Bonita. You fish?
Obsessively. :)

I live in Maryland and my home waters are the Chesapeake Bay for stripers and trout, the Potomac river for smallies, shad, and carp, the Shenendoah streams for Brookies. My mom lives on the north fork of LI so I tow up there in the fall and fish Plum Gut over to Montauk. Also head to great lakes for Steelhead in November, and/or tow to Harkers Is. for Albies. October/November I fish every spare moment I can get. :)

Right now I'm waiting for the shad run up the Potomac which should start next week. I'll be hitting them up every morning on my way to work. I'll be splitting my time on the weekends for the next month between them and the trophy stripers on the Susquehanna flats up at the head of the Bay.
Just a quick note here -- I'm going to be away from April 3rd to April 17th -- so if the pass is coming to me during that time period, you'll need to skip me (you don't want my GF doing the puts/takes, trust me!)
You're good Andrew. The pass won't be going out until at the very least Friday afternoon, and at the latest Saturday morning. So, with you being the last person in line, you won't be receiving it around those dates.

If it does show up while you're gone, just tell your GF to put all the cigars with the X's on the labels and the black bands on the feet in the box. :blush:
RLinNH said:
If it does show up while you're gone, just tell your GF to put all the cigars with the X's on the labels and the black bands on the feet in the box. :blush:

Please don't give her any ideas :)
melski said:
Depending on the timing, maybe we can have a hand-off herf.

That could work. I just got told about the Balto herf on the 9th. as well. We'll see how it all comes together. I'm in Bethesda BTW.
Well, a little glad this has yet to start as I still have a few days of spring break left. :thumbs:

I did talk to Kona over a week ago [before I started my spring break] and he mentioned that he would be on vacation for 2 weeks or so. While I def. do not speak for him, I do believe he is still interested in the pass and would like to get in on it when he gets back. :thumbs:

Happy April all! And yeaaa for almost all of the snow melted!
Alrighteeee then. Everything is boxed up and ready, and out the door I went. Get to the PO and guess what... CLOSED. :angry: They close at Noon on Saturdays. So, Monday afternoon the box goes out. Sorry about the delay.

Only change to the box is the order. I added Kona in after Moki. I have a Pass Order in the box. So Moki, instead of you mailing the box to me, you'll be mailing it to Kona in HI, and then he will mail the box to moi.

All I ask as far as the pass is concerned is that you cross your name off the list before you mail the box to it's next recipient and we follow all other pass guidelines. I have Mailing labels and DC slips all filled out in the box. In the upper right hand corner of the Shipping label is a number that correspopnds with the pass order. Also, post Puts and Takes here. I figure the less paper work in the box, the better. :cool:

Very good then. Box goes out Monday afternoon.