Hoiday Herf: Wigwam Motel


Oct 31, 2008
The Sunday: Dec. 21, 2008, we are holding a Holiday Herf. We are still planning and everyone's input would be great. If you plan on attending shoot me a PM, along with the PM let me know if you are going to need a room, so we can work something out. So far, we are thinking about having a BBQ, maybe keg from hanger 24, more food, smokes, raffle etc. I'm sure this will be an all day event. Also a good friend of my Tim Hughes owner of The Humidor, in Redlands would love to pitch in for the herf.

Pot-luck style, if you would like to bring food would be great.

- Kumar

2728 w. foothill blvd
Rialto Ca, 92376

Things Needed, I'll update list often:

So far

Ash Trays.

If you plan on attending shoot me a PM, along with the PM let me know if you are going to need a room, so we can work something out.

I'll pass... :rolleyes:

Good luck filling up your motel. Odd how you keep posting about your motel business... Free advertising is so wonderful. :rolleyes:
I don't think you're required to stay at the hotel and it's a free event to get together with people and smoke. :rolleyes:
I don't think you're required to stay at the hotel and it's a free event to get together with people and smoke. :rolleyes:

Perhaps, but Rod has said before that links to your business in your sigtag are not allowed unless you're a sponsor of the site.
I don't think you're required to stay at the hotel and it's a free event to get together with people and smoke. :rolleyes:

Perhaps, but Rod has said before that links to your business in your sigtag are not allowed unless you're a sponsor of the site.

True... that's what the "Report" button is for (which I just did).
All I could find regarding advertising was this:

8.) No Spamming. Do not post continuous advertisements in the forum. If you are a cigar retailer, there is a forum dedicated for your advertisements. Sites which compete with CigarPass are not allowed to advertise their site at CigarPass.com.

There is nothing in the advertising section that I found which prevents anyone from putting their motel website in their sig line. If there is something else printed somewhere please point it out.

I know most of you don't know Kumar, but he's ok. He's not here to promote his business and it was more of a faux pas than anything else.
It's going to be a cool herf, I only wish I was still in the Inland Empire!
Reference to Sig Advertising Policy : Link :thumbs:
Thanks for the link MMM. I read Rod's post in that thread and then clicked the link he provided. It took me to a different set of Policies then what appears when you click the current Policy link in the top right corner of today's page. It appears there have been some changes (additions, deletions, rephrasing) then what was once there.

I pulled these two from Rod's old link:

8. Signatures may contain images, but may not be any larger than 300x100; 468x60 banners are also permitted (within reason). If your signature is larger than the allotted size given or deemed unacceptable by staff, you will be requested by a moderator to resize or change your image. Please also try and keep text signatures under 5 lines. Failing to comply with a moderator's request will result in the removal of your signature.

9. Advertising, commercial-related or competing products are all forbidden in any relation to your account.

Arguably I would say Wiggies sig tag came under rule 9. However, since it's not cigar related I'm not sure it was intended to be outlawed. Even under what appears to be a new Policy page, rule 8 wouldn't appear to apply to the motel link.

I'm pointing all this out because I don't want to see someone take a hit for something they would not be aware of lacking prolonged membership here.

Perhaps it's time to be a little more specific in defining the Policies of CP.

Of course, there is a distinct possibility I've simply missed the boat entirely. It certainly wouldn't be the first time. :cool:

Let's see how big that SC banner is, lol! :whistling:

Just giving you a hard time... They destroyed my Auburn Tigers a couple years ago... twice... hard to look at the sig and not cringe knowing we started those years 0-1 against your Trojans!

Early on we never allowed links in signatures, especially commercial links. I will rethink this policy, and post it on our rules page so that it can be enforced accordingly. I will make a post later about it...