I ain't that fuggin' old, but I remember when Toronto didn't suck, there were only 12 goal keepers in the entire league, all better that we got now, the only player with a helmet was Stan Makita and he took more than one beating for it, and players didn't wear body amour and there were less injuries. And there WAS more respect. I blame it on Americans who don't appreciate nor deserve the sport the way it was meant to be played.
I don't blame Americans, I blame GREEDY Americans and GREEDY Canadians who thought changing things to suit TV and large populations with no idea what hockey even is as the problem. Of course, my memory only goes back to things such as the '87 Canada Cup, not when they played with tube skates and only outdoors Doc.
Plus, what's wrong with replay in Toronto? It's about time some jobs got outsourced up North.