I explained what I was doing and that I was encouraged to do so. (BTW ironpeddler can jump in here anytime and back me up) I don't appreciate being accused of stealing bandwith? from rod in order to just be a post whore
Lest it be lost in all the asshattery, Suggesting that someone become a post whore to get noticed or accepted ain't cool either. Perhaps the suggestion was mis-interpreted. At over 100 post a month in his three month tenure, the above mentioned person could be considdered a post whore, but my recolection of his posts is that they for the most part had substance to them.
Nothing wrong with flapping gums when you can bring something to the table, otherwise, sitting back and listening is a much better idea.
I explained what I was doing and that I was encouraged to do so. (BTW ironpeddler can jump in here anytime and back me up) I don't appreciate being accused of stealing bandwith? from rod in order to just be a post whore
Lest it be lost in all the asshattery, Suggesting that someone become a post whore to get noticed or accepted ain't cool either. Perhaps the suggestion was mis-interpreted. At over 100 post a month in his three month tenure, the above mentioned person could be considdered a post whore, but my recolection of his posts is that they for the most part had substance to them.
Nothing wrong with flapping gums when you can bring something to the table, otherwise, sitting back and listening is a much better idea.
Excellent point, Matt. Encouraging a newer member to post, just for the sake of increasing post count is poor advice. I don't know if this happened or not, but if it did, then Brazilla was misguided.
That does NOT excuse his other errant behaviors in this thread, though.
I explained what I was doing and that I was encouraged to do so. (BTW ironpeddler can jump in here anytime and back me up) I don't appreciate being accused of stealing bandwith? from rod in order to just be a post whore
Lest it be lost in all the asshattery, Suggesting that someone become a post whore to get noticed or accepted ain't cool either. Perhaps the suggestion was mis-interpreted. At over 100 post a month in his three month tenure, the above mentioned person could be considdered a post whore, but my recolection of his posts is that they for the most part had substance to them.
Nothing wrong with flapping gums when you can bring something to the table, otherwise, sitting back and listening is a much better idea.
Excellent point, Matt. Encouraging a newer member to post, just for the sake of increasing post count is poor advice. I don't know if this happened or not, but if it did, then Brazilla was misguided.
X2.... you aren't doing anything to make yourself look better by adding on. This thread needs to die it's death and we don't need some newbs drawing it out.I would strongly reccomend that if you have a recent join date you read this thread and refrain from commenting.
X2.... you aren't doing anything to make yourself look better by adding on. This thread needs to die it's death and we don't need some newbs drawing it out.I would strongly reccomend that if you have a recent join date you read this thread and refrain from commenting.
LOL....no doubt. I was one of the worst about this before getting some "guidence" from a few FOG's. Dammit Matt.... :laugh:X2.... you aren't doing anything to make yourself look better by adding on. This thread needs to die it's death and we don't need some newbs drawing it out.I would strongly reccomend that if you have a recent join date you read this thread and refrain from commenting.
Spoken from experience for all you archive readers out there :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Sorry Brian, couldn't resist
I think Bear has decided to move on....
2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)
2 Members: tomthirtysix, Brazilla
The Resurrection... :whistling:
Thanks for the morning chuckle, sock. :thumbs:Hell, even Ginseng/Wilkey got medieval (well, at least his equivalent of medieval ) in this case.
Thanks for the morning chuckle, sock. :thumbs:Hell, even Ginseng/Wilkey got medieval (well, at least his equivalent of medieval ) in this case.
Now I have that scene from Pulp Fiction with Ving Rhames, and, well you know. :laugh:
Thanks for the morning chuckle, sock. :thumbs:Hell, even Ginseng/Wilkey got medieval (well, at least his equivalent of medieval ) in this case.
Now I have that scene from Pulp Fiction with Ving Rhames, and, well you know. :laugh:
The Resurrection... :whistling:
My point was simple. IMHO, a careful reading and understanding of this thread will do any newbie good as there is much to learn from it.