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Help, Please: I Keep Ruining Cigars

also when I go into puro stores like The Humidor the walk in feels nowhere near 65% more like @ 75% those folks "should" know what they are doing. :lookup: :lookup: :lookup:
The warmer the humidor the more likely larvae will hatch.
hi Matt I know thats the case but usually my hum stays at 75 deg to 80 deg (my wife can get cold summertime on the equator) so its hard to stay at 70. I guess I've been lucky. I've heard all puros carry some amount of the eggs. Is this true and does anyone know if they are perpetually in limbo until the right conditions exist to hatch or do they die if they dont hatch in a certain time???????????????? :0 :0 :0
paradigm: n. a set of forms all of which contain a particular element
Paradigm is a Brand Name of a humidification system. Actually, (Not having used it myself) I would be willing to bet that Climax Beeds are gonna be the "Way". Reason: They regulate hummidity in BOTH directions. They put in hummidity if it's too dry for those pretty sticks, and they take hummidity BACK out if it is too wet. You can't compete with that. Just ask brother Vern, they are also really economical
Not only does the high temp activate eggs to hatch, but if you have it at %70-%75 RH combined with such a high temp, you run a risk of some mold also. If you can't control the temp, then put them in the cooles place in the house, and drop the RH down. But if you smoke through your stash at a good rate, then there isn't too much to worry bout.

All cigars carry the eggs of the tobacco weevil. One way to be more assured they will not hatch is to deep freeze your cigars. Some retailers already do this in advance, but try getting them to tell you if they do or not. LOL Here's the way I do it:
Triple bag the cigar(s) in Ziploc bags and push all the air out, or as much as humanly possible.
3 days in a sub-zero deep freeze
2 days in the fridge
1 day at room temp
into the humidor as far away from humidifying unit as possible
after a couple weeks you can rotate the smokes back into the general population
I try not to smoke them for a couple of months after the freezing process, just to be sure they are back to their normal levels
emodx said:
But if you smoke through your stash at a good rate, then there isn't too much to worry bout.

This would apply to freezing also. If you go through them quick, don't worry about freezing. Some of us store smokes for very long periods of time before even thinking about smoking them.
This is a GREAT topic. Is there anyway anybody who has access to VERN's ear can get him to post on this topic. I have a feeling we can ALL learn something from his expertise in this venue.

( Unfortunately I have never spoken or even posted to him) Those of you who may have his emailer... could you ask him to respond on this) And if this seems kind of impertinate I apologize in advance.
You got my ear Firestorm.
First before I start on humidification, you need to know that tempreture and humidity need to be measured and controlled because one has a direct reference to the other, at the temp that you mentioned and humidity I would wonder if your cigars getting to much humidity, I know this sounds strange but I know that as tempreture decreases that the air will not hold the same humitidy level that it will when it is warmer.
here is an explanation of what I think is best:
There are lots of reasons that it makes since to use a museum grade humidifier, not the least of which is that the museums have already done the extensive research to be assured that their priceless paintings and other art are protected by the very best system available. IMHO if you can purchase this type of humidity control at anywhere near the same price as other systems, then the decision on which humidity control system becomes a no brainier. Sorry if I have upset anyone with my frankness but this would also be my opinion if I didn't own the company. you can email me at tevecaka@aol.com
Hey Vern, this isn't CF and we love you Bro, so just post away and know that you have our support. :)
BTW...I use the Climaxx "media" in my cabinet and my end table humidors and it works great. I use something similar in my desktop, it's a gel instead of beads. Now, how much media am I going to need for my new walk-in? LMAO
For a walkin I would recommend an active humidifer and 1 lb. of Premier Media for every 10 cubic feet as a backup, plus it will cut down dramaticly on having to replace them expensive whicks. :cool:
Brother Vern, you were up kindof late last night for a guy with a new Biz to run weren't you? :D

So Vern, I gotta know, are you going to be doing the manufacturing of this stuff yourself, or you gonna have a staff for that?

I am gearing up to start the fabrication of 2 new Humis and I plan to use Climaxx for them. They will each be close to 2 cubic feet of storage (22x15x10) and I designed them with a section in the main storage area to allow a container of beads with a perforated top. I am thinking I need less than 1/2 lb for each Humi. And I am sure upon completion there will be no safer place for my smokes.

One of those is planned for Horse, not sure he needs a 200ct humi anymore tho, since he has a new Fridge-a-dor. Hey Horse, you gonna use a live system in the Fridge-a-dor or Beads?
Firestorm said:
This is a GREAT topic.
Wow, thanks! I don't know how much credit I can take, but it makes me feel good to know that I am not a newbie mucking up the good talk of Cigar Pass.

I am learning quite a bit about how to properly store my cigars. Thank you to everyone for the input. I am glad you guys are enjoying the topic as well!
Well let us know what you find out about the whole situation...If it is the box that isn't holding a good seal, let me know, I know a a way on how to tighten up the seal a little.
