Say a friend of mine, BSneed51, and I make a transaction where I purchase a 5'er of cigars from him. I ordered them on December 23, and they were shipped to me a week ago. Upon inspection of the cigars,
one had a cracked foot and appeared substandard. I contacted him and called him twice, PM'd him twice, telling him about the cigar but I haven't heard from him. All of this while he has his wife's family in town, is in the middle of moving, and working during the holiday season*. I'm sorry, it might just be me, but based on the
totality of the circumstances, this event does not call for me to start a thread questioning his integrity and ethics.
*Disclaimer: No, Brent is not moving, his wife's family wasn't in town (that I know of), and surely we all know he doesn't really work. Just thought I'd clarify.