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Heady Topper


Where did all my money go?
Jan 25, 2007
                                                      Heady Topper
                                                     Brewed By: The Alchemist, Vermont, USA
                                                                                Style of Beer/ABV: American Double Imperial IPA, 8.0% ABV
                                                                                Format: Can/1 Pint
 IPA's tend to not agree with me even though I love the style. Imperial IPA's however, are a different story. I've had this beer on my Beer Bucket List for a couple of seasons now and always seem to come up empty. The hype on this offering from The Alchemist did not disappoint in the least. So much so, that I would now firmly say if my next one is as good as the first, I now have a favorite beer. ( ISO Heady Topper). :love: The can plainly states "Drink From The Can" around the rim, but I preferred it from a tulip glass. I was just careful with the pour to not disturb the floaties at the bottom of the can when pouring. Thank you Tall Paul for the effort to include this in the Beer PIF.
Total Score: 4.9/5
Look: (4.75) Pours is a cloudy straw color that almost borders on orange. Can't see through it at all. The head was a white, thick, and didn't dissipate too quickly. Carbonation was just the way I like it.
Smell: (4.75) There was a nice hop aroma that escaped when I opened the can, I also smelled sweet pine, and citrus.
Taste: (5) Just like a little slice of heaven.The only DIPA that I ever recall wanting to use the word sweetness to describe. Lots of citrus, but even though this had the typical Imperial IPA Grapefruit profile, I also tasted a sweet lemon zest on the finish. With every sip it seems there is something different. Hop forward and bitter, but hardly the astringent bitterness from the hops, or alcohol you would expect.
Mouthfeel: (5) Carbonation is spot on. Coats the mouth, and the flavor goes, on and on. Resinous! The alcohol is concealed well.
Overall: (5) My personal best beer I have ever had the pleasure to try to date. I love beers like this, where you know there is so much going on, leaving you trying to pin point flavors and smells you know seem familiar from some day in your past.
Great review John thank you for taking the time.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I really need to try this beer, it's on my list too.
Love this stuff....have only had one can and need more.
Nice review.  My sister brought me one last summer when she was in town.  I drank it from the can since she insisted and I think I missed out on some of the nose, but the beer was still very good and complex.
Out of curiosity have you tried Hopslam?
jfields said:
You dope, it says drink from the can!
And my wife told me to go jump off a bridge yesterday.....
Did you at least put on your Swimmies first?  :laugh:
Great looking & sounding beer John based on your review, short and to the point! Great job. I have to hunt some of this down ASAP. 
The brewery in Vermont is disappointing. You can’t buy beer and hang there. Free tasters but only 2oz at a time and 3 or 4 beers on tap. They have corn hole and a nice spot too like people are going to hang out for hours and sip 2oz tasters at a time. Dumb. Any way the brewery trip in Vermont is still amazing with Hill Farmstead being the best (no bathroom though which is weird for a nice large brewery you have to pee in a pot a potty) and lawsons finest was awesome too.
South….at the shore. I saw a few liquor stores up north carry it, but when I called, they had none in stock.
Yeah, when it comes around it's usually only in stores for a day or two. I'm up near the NY / NJ border. If you were near here I was going to pm you if I saw it here.