He finally did it!

That is wonderful news! Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Addiction is a hard row to hoe, but your son has taken his first step of getting the hoe out of the shed. It must be very hard to break down and realize that you are out of control, and must ask for help. Good luck to your son and your family in this difficult time.
Be strong and you have my families prayers, we went through something of the same nature, we wish you the best of luck.
I can't relate to your ordeal, but I can relate to something you said, "grieve for his destruciton". It must be devastating to watch your boy spiraling in. I hope he has control left to take himself out of it. Good luck to you both, Bro!
As a recovering alchoholic, I wish you luck. My only advise, be sure your son understands that to stay "clean" he needs to decide every day, hour, minute not to use. Tricks, techniques, avoidance and treatment only work if he decides not to use each time he thinks about it. For me, it's that simple and yet much more difficult than it sounds.

Take care of him, he has a tough road to travel.
Prayers sent, that he stays and finishes the program and for the strength you need.

Teen Challenge is an awesome organization doing wonderful things with people's lives.

We had to place my step-daughter in Teen Challenge 2 years ago at the age of 16. We basically signed her over to them. She had just gotten out of control and was traveling down a path of self destruction. At that time, it was a 15 month program. She could not just sign herself out.

She turned her life around in the program and I ended up adopting her after she came home.

You wouldn't believe the horror stories some of those young ladies would tell when they gave their testimonies.
Wow! Thanks for sharing that story. I can't imagine the emotions you must have been going through over the years. I'll be sure to keep your family in my prayers.
I am happy to hear that your son has decided to start on his path towards sobriety and sanity!
Meth is one of those evil drugs that flicks a switch in some peoples' brains and after trying it they know that's all they want to do from now on.
Recovery is going to be tough so prayers sent to him.
Prayers for you and your daughter as well!

As a father myself I am devastated when I hear other parents share these stories. I believe in Tough Love myself as I once was a recipient of it. I'm sure that helped him realize that dad loves you but dad isn't going to be lied, cheated, abused or suckered anymore and now the joke is on you son. I'll pray for your family's healing and for your son, I'll ask for strong WILL POWER as we all know that is a critical component in the recovery road.

Prayer said. :)

Willingness is the key to recovery, and it sounds like today he has it. My prayer is that he will tomorrow as well.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Michael, gave me goose bumps bro!!!
Your family is in my thoughts!!!
When the heart has made the commitment, the body is much more likely to follow. I wish you, your son, and your entire family all the best.

Michael, I hope things work out for your son. Prayers sent.
I can't imagine what you and your family has gone through.

I really hope your son gets through this...

Even through all that pain, you kept up the love for your son...that is most admirable.

I hope that your son sees this and gets power from this to conquer his problem.
Thanks everyone for your earnest posts and prayers. I know this is not over by any means, but now we feel less hopeless.

Just an update. We went to the intervue yesterday. They accepted him. He couldn't go in yesterday because he had no I.D. I brought him home and went to the DMV. I paid the $22 bucks to get him his California I.D. card. With that receipt, and I'm writing a check for $110 fee for medical testings, He enters the program today at 5pm. Since he had no money, after we had dinner, he cleaned the house. When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was just trying to help me out. He said " I want to try and show you how much I love and missed you guys". " He said he also wanted to show his appreciation for putting up the money to get him in to Teen Challenge. It's all I could do to keep from bursting into tears. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I'd be lieing if I said they weren't sky high.

Peace out!
Michael that is good to hear that he'll be accepted today. Small steps are the hardest and he has taken the first few small steps. Hang in there and keep the faith that he wants to change his life for the better. Keep us updated and I'll continue to keep him and your family in thought and prayer.
Congratulations on him getting in!
1 He accepted the problem
2 He reached out for help
3 He will be going to get professional help