I met Al Pitrelli at one of the last shows we attended, and talked guitars with him for about ten minutes. He has one particular black Les Paul that just sounds on another level compared to all the other guitars he played in concert. turns out, it was the guitar from the "Sarajevo" video. He said there was nothing special about it, it was just one of those rare guitars that just play and sound incredible. On the other hand, Angus was given the Jackson RR V to use with TSO, and he hated it -- he was a Gibson SG guy (though he's branched out a lot since those early TSO years). He modified the crap out of the RR so he could "make it playable". Al said that Angus didn't even take the Jackson with him after the tour; it collected dust at the TSO warehouse until the next season! We got the West touring crew, obviously. I wanted to ask Al about his time in Megadeth, but I had heard that was a really sore subject with him.