Ah Christ. Another one. I guess a little truth is in order.
When I was twenty I was doing some pretty weird shit in the service. I'd have bet at the time... and probably did bet at one time or another at the "stress relief society", that I would never see thirty. I was surprised when I "saw" thirty and all that stuff was in the rear view mirror. Sometime later, probably in my mid thirties, the "day" would roll around and I would find myself wondering whether my life was half over. When I was 32... would I live to see 64. Hey, it could happen, Paul McCartney did it. When I was 35 would I live to see 70. I guess things have come full circle now. Today I turned 49. I mean come on, 49 fuggin' years and it suddenly dawned on me... hey, you're 49 years old and there is no fuggin' way you're gonna see 98 pal. Your life is half over and then some. Then, another shock, I'm okay with it all. It's been good, it's gonna be good. I live well and they say that's the best revenge and although I can't remember who it is I'm seeking revenge from I'm quite sure they are rending their hair and gnashing their teeth at the prospect of my continued existence... or, maybe not.
Regardless, I'm feeling pretty good about things. Thanks for the well wishes fellers.
Hey! Was I talking...?