Happy Birthday Don (Dsav101)


FFOX Whore
Jul 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Don. If its as cold in Maryland as it is here, hope you can smoke a nice one in the house.
Happy Birthday Don
I wish I could be 32 again.
PM me ...we can play poker some time
Don you old bastage! :laugh: Happy Birthday brother! Hope it's an awesome day for ya!
Happy Birthday Don. If its as cold in Maryland as it is here, hope you can smoke a nice one in the house.

Well, since the wife just left for a baby shower for a little bit, I suppose I could smoke up a good one inside, then pack my stuff and get out of dodge before she gets back! lolol. I think I will take my son to the mall for a bit and get us some dinner ( and look good for the womenz at the mall seeing me and the little guy) :) hehe Will smoke up a good one later tonight have no doubt!

Happy Birthday!

I'm sure you've got some nice poker winnings you could tap into if you're looking for that special birthday smoke :laugh:
Happy birthday! Enjoy a fine cigar and libation on this your day. :thumbs: